Eternally Bound (Thistles & Roses)

Read Online Eternally Bound (Thistles & Roses) by Eliza Knight - Free Book Online

Book: Eternally Bound (Thistles & Roses) by Eliza Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Knight
of her corset would only end up digging into her body anyway and she was dangerously close to fainting.
    “I thank you for your consideration, Lord Bedford, but the fresh air seems to have done the trick,” she lied, forcing a smile onto her face.
    Her father scowled at Bedford and then flicked his gaze toward her. “Should you like to take a turn about the garden then while we speak?”
    No, Max did not want to do that, but she couldn’t argue with her father in front of anyone, let alone a virtual stranger, so she opened her mouth to acquiesce when Bedford spoke.
    “Baron Dalston, if you would allow me this, I think your daughter should hear it as well.”
    Father bristled. From his rigid stance and the slight tinge of red coming to his face, it was obvious her father wanted very much to tell Bedford to go to the devil. The tension between the two men was palpable and uncomfortable. Max shifted on her feet, wishing she could indeed take a turn about the garden, then perhaps find the nearest stables, wrench off her gown and commandeer a horse for her escape.
    “Of course,” her father finally said.
    Bedford barely paid the man any attention, turning his gaze back toward Max. “What say you about serving the queen as a maid of honor?”
    Max studied Bedford’s eyes, his face. His excitement was palpable, shining in his dark eyes and curving gently on his lips. His color was good and his stance not rigid but fluid. There was no doubt she was drawn to him, wanted to feel the same enthusiasm for life as he did.
    Was this part of his marriage proposal? Did Lady Bedford serve the queen? Oh, good heavens! Max would be a countess! She didn’t know how to be a countess. She’d have to wear gowns such as this one every day and she’d not be able to spend hours in her solar, painting and reading. This was a bad idea. She did not want to marry Lord Bedford. But her father would never refuse. And he’d never forgive her if she did.
    Drawing in a quiet breath, she let it out as she licked her lips. “I would be honored if Her Majesty ever chose me.” But I pray she does not, as I pray you do not.
    Bedford nodded, a sly smile taking shape on his countenance. He was definitely up to something. If only she were a man, she’d be able to ferret out his interest with questions, but being a lady, she had to keep her mouth shut.
    “Good, good,” he murmured, eyes locking on hers, and for a moment, she felt a spark of something pass between them. It went beyond his own personal interests. Beyond his games. But it was broken all too soon as he turned to meet her father’s blatant stare. “Her Majesty asked me to speak with you in regards to your daughter, Lady Maxwell. She would like her to join her ladies-in-waiting, reporting to Mistress Hyde this very afternoon in regards to her sleeping quarters.”
    Max took a step back at the same time her father took a step forward. This was exactly what her father had hoped for and, she thought, what she’d hoped for—a momentary reprieve from having to choose a husband. But didn’t it come with something else, something more binding—as in Lord Bedford’s proposal?
    “She would be honored to accept this position,” her father said. “I am humbled that Her Majesty has seen fit to choose my daughter.”
    But Max had many more questions and she wasn’t willing to just accept. “I am indeed honored,” she said, looking pointedly at her father. She fisted her gown to hide from Bedford how her nerves made her fingers tremble. “But I am also curious. Would you mind indulging me, Lord Bedford, in a few questions?”
    The baron gripped her arm and gave a little tug. “Ack, daughter, do not bother the man with your silly questions. He’s come with a message from the queen. A grand message, at that. Isn’t this everything you’ve ever wanted?”
    No. No, it wasn’t everything she’d ever wanted. She’d only wanted it today when she thought she might be able to stall a marriage,

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