Eternal Service

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Book: Eternal Service by Regina Morris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Morris
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probably should head out now. Can I drop you off someplace?”
    “Alex, calm down. You’re safe here with me. I’m sure you have more questions you want to ask of me.”
    “Baby steps. I need some baby steps here. We have a week. I want to review … ah, gather my thoughts. … I just need some distance.”
    Fight or flight response was in full effect. She needed to leave, and right this minute. “We should meet tomorrow sometime and keep talking. Maybe lunch?”
    “Yeah. Sounds good. Maybe I can call you, or you can call me.” She grabbed her purse and a handful of napkins.
    “Alex, relax. You don’t have to take this assignment if you don’t want to. I’ll call you tomorrow and we’ll have lunch.”
    “OK. I’m fine. That sounds good.”
    “I can get my own ride home. Why don’t you just go?”
    “That works for me.” She got up and quickly left Starbucks, leaving Raymond alone.
    Her heels warded off her nearing panic attack by clacking quickly on the floor as she raced out of Starbucks. She could hardly breathe. Good Lord. If what Raymond said was true, she could take it two different ways. Either hunky, good–looking men did exist, but were invisible to her since she forgot them the minute she saw them. Or there were predators are all around her and she just didn’t know it. Neither sounded good. Shit, maybe her attacker all those years ago wasn’t human. It would explain his hulking size. Christ. Ignorance really is bliss.
    Why did Raymond stare so intensely at her? He said he wasn’t hungry. It wasn’t like she felt like a slab of meat when his eyes glared at her, but the feeling was still unnerving. She wasn’t even sure he ever blinked.
    His eyes were so compelling and beautiful. That’s probably how they control you. Hell. She should have made sure there were no mind games during their time together. Had she been controlled? She thought it unlikely. Why bother compelling when you are giving full disclosure? That wouldn’t make sense.
    He said he wouldn’t hurt her. Of course, what else would she expect him to say?
    His eyes never stopped looking at her. It would be flattering if she had been on a date, but this wasn’t a date. She had never dated anyone as handsome as Raymond before. He was out of her league. Oh, that’s right. He probably only dates vampire women. God. Why did it even matter? He was an immortal. A different species. A species that had the broadest shoulders she had ever seen, and sculptured muscles to match. Strong and masculine. Powerful.
    She blinked her eyes to stop the daydream. Distance. She needed distance from these large, hulking men. She fumbled with car keys and was grateful to speed away.
    Alex did not return to her office. Instead, she headed for the gym. She needed to run and get some adrenaline going. Her female–only gym was a sanctuary. She couldn’t wait to get there.

    Alex enjoyed working out at the gym. Exercise always empowered her. The running, the lifting of weights … she loved it. She worked out several times a week and her training showed. Many times she would grab dinner from the gym cafe downstairs before she headed home. Not only would the meal be healthy, but the already prepared food kept her from having to cook a single meal for herself.
    The time was earlier than usual for her to be at the gym. She took her gym bag to the locker room to change. She grabbed a hand towel and refilled her water bottle as she entered the cardio room. Rows and rows of stair climbers, treadmills, bicycles, and every other piece of equipment lined the room. The back area stored the free weights, which she was also familiar with. The usual crowd had not arrived yet and she got on a treadmill without having to wait.
    From the second she left Raymond at Starbucks, her mind raced with thoughts, ideas and images. Vampires. Who would have thought? Here in Washington D.C. Of all things, the government has known for ages. Alex began her

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