Class Trip

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Book: Class Trip by Rachel Burns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Burns
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looked away
    I heard him
laughing to himself. “You can go to the bathroom now.”
    I hurried out of
the room. I took my time until he called out to me.
    “Sandra, what
are you doing in there?”
    I opened the door
and stepped back out to him. “I was brushing my teeth.” My
toiletry bag had been laid in there.
    “I see. Good
girl. Hurry off to bed. We will have a big breakfast tomorrow but I
can't risk anyone else seeing you again. They would all want to buy
you. The one from before was very mad that he couldn't have you. He
isn't used to something like that.”
    “But I already
have an owner.” I looked up at him.
    “Yes, you do. I
turned down the bed already. In you go.”
    I went to the bed
and sat down on the side by the door.
    “No, my dear.
You will sleep on the other side. Look, Carrots is already waiting
for you.”
    This was all too
odd but it wasn't worth a fight.
    He held the
blankets back and I got in. I hugged Carrots to my chest as he
covered me right up and knelt down again. “Sweet dreams, angel.”
He ran his fingers over my face. I held my breath in fear. He stood
and closed the curtains and then he left. I listened for the door and
then his feet on the steps. I was alone again. I snuggled in under my
blankets and worried about everything.
    I could hear a
big crowd gathered downstairs somewhere. They were laughing and loud.
I figured my friends weren't laughing. They were probably scared and
    I was starting to
feel hungry.
    An hour later I
heard my friends' names. Herr Glossner had a microphone. He was
auctioning them off like this was a slave market.
    The girls were
going at very high prices. He was making millions.
    I guess this
really was worth it for him.
    I wondered how
much my owner had paid for me. I cried myself to sleep.

Chapter 5

    I woke up and
looked at the wall. I was really here. I had been hoping that it had
all been a dream. But it wasn't, so that meant that this wasn't over
    I could hear
light snoring. I wasn't alone. Had my owner arrived and climbed into
bed with me. Would he want sex when he woke up? Should I try to sneak
    I had awoken
several times in the night and the auction thing had gone on forever.
Everyone would be asleep. Just I would be wide-awake.
    I rolled over as
quietly as I could. I wanted to see who was in bed next to me. I was
now on my back and looking up at the ceiling. I turned my head and
    It was Herr
    Why would he
sleep in the same bed as I did? The place was huge with lots of other
rooms. This wasn't necessary.
    He must have felt
me looking at him because his eyes started to open. “Good morning,
angel. Did you sleep well?”
    “I guess so,”
I wasn't sure about anything anymore.
    “I figured that
you would wake up early.” He smiled over at me and then looked at
his watch. “It's already nine. You slept late.” He was just
looking at me and I stared back, trying to think of something to say.
    “If you would
rather I could sleep on the sofa in the living room, Mr. Glossner.”
    “No, I wouldn't
rather. And that isn't my name. I just made it up. Don't call me
that. You can call me by my name. Tata.”
    He smiled like he
really liked the idea of me saying his name. “That's right.”
    “I really don't
think we should be on a first name basis. My owner might not like
    He smiled and
nodded. “I see I haven't been clear enough. I am your owner.”
    I felt like he
socked me in the stomach. “Why?”
    “I liked you
the best.”
    “You like me?”
I asked surprised.
    “Yes, you have
more character than the others. Much better manners and you were more
    All I was hearing
was what I had done wrong. If I had been a brat than I would have
been sold last night in the auction to the man who saw me in the
window. Of course I wouldn't have been at the window if he hadn't
separated me from the others. That explained the different foods that
I had gotten and the handholding.

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