Entwined Destinies

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Book: Entwined Destinies by Robin Briar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Briar
growls into my neck, opens his mouth to bite me, and snaps at my flesh.
    His entire body smothers me in the way that I love as he fills my depths. His breathing is steady, but I want it to be ragged again. I close my eyes and disappear into his rhythm. My hands travel down his muscular back and reach for his backside.
    Mason drives into me with the insistence of a refreshing gale. I dig my fingers into the taut flesh of his ass, clutch the cheeks, and pull him closer. I want even more of his girth, all of him. I want the wolf.
    I spread my legs farther apart to make that possible, bend them at the knees, and caress his flank with my feet. Mason collides with the back of my cavern, can’t help himself. He wants me like I want him.
    I can feel the change ripple over his body as coarse hair grows across his skin, down his back and up his legs, thickening into fur. I can feel his bones shift beneath my touch, stretching muscle and sinew, tightening flesh into hide.
    If the transformation is painful to endure, I get no hint of it. Mason hasn’t stopped having his way with me. He doesn’t slow down in the least.
    I watch as he grows above me, overshadowing my body in his bestial shape. He’s thicker through the middle and wider across the shoulders. He’s incredible to behold, but that’s not the only place he grows.
    I close my eyes and gasp for breath as his girth widens me, stretching my nethers from the inside out. It’s both too much and not enough. I want this more than anything. I can take it. I can weather the change from beginning to end. I’ll adjust. I know I can. I hope I can.
    Okay, maybe I’ll need a little help.
    It has been a while since Mason was this vigorous with me, but I have just the spell in mind. Maintain the Flesh should do the trick nicely. It worked before. Sustento in Carne , but without the words. Apparently, my love for Mason makes them unnecessary. A product of being a natural Maiden, according to Candice.
    Casting the spell will drain the quicksilver pool even more, but the lust I’ll be harnessing from Mason will more than replenish what I use. Especially if the last time is any indication.
    More than that, I want to be enough for Mason. I want him to feel like he can be himself in my arms, both as a human and a wolf. I want him to feel like I can receive him in any shape, that he’s not a monster to me. Just the opposite. Mason is a force of nature. He’s everything I want in a man. The protection. The possession. The feral animal that wants me more than anybody else.
    To make that possible, I need only will the spell into existence, like I already did with my Preserve the Lust casting. Except I better do it soon, before he really loses himself.
    I open my eyes to gaze upon the man I love, but that’s not whom I see.
    It’s the stranger again, fucking me with those vicious red eyes. The vision is persisting for some reason. The image of this robust man picked up right where it left off, but how? I thought it was over. That I dispelled it with my mind.
    I need to cast Maintain the Flesh, and soon, but I can’t cast it in front of Mason, assuming he’s still here with me, masked by this persistent vision of another man.
    I try, but nothing.
    I try again. Still nothing.
    My ability to cast spells without the words is lost to me. What did Candice say? That the wordless spellcasting has to come from the love I feel for Mason. How can I feel that love when his face is replaced by a stranger looking down at me?
    I feel what must be Mason, engorging between my lips, pushing the limits of my capacity as he becomes half-man, half-wolf, but I can’t see him. Just this crimson-eyed man that I have never seen before today.
    He smiles at me, but is it Mason smiling? I can’t tell where one man begins and the other ends, but more importantly, I don’t know how much more I can take. Is it Mason or a stranger inside me? My nethers are moist, but I can only take so much. Dammit, it has to be the

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