Enoch Primordial (Chronicles of the Nephilim)

Read Online Enoch Primordial (Chronicles of the Nephilim) by Brian Godawa - Free Book Online

Book: Enoch Primordial (Chronicles of the Nephilim) by Brian Godawa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Godawa
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elocution. She listened with a mixture of awe and resentment, but she listened and learned from this master of rhetoric.
    Anu continued, “This Nephilim rebellion, this Gigantomachy , has wrought great destruction throughout the cities of our rule. We have all suffered great loss. And I want to assure you that on behalf of the pantheon of your gods, I feel your pain.”
    Disgusting , thought Inanna. Is he shedding a tear? He has actually mustered up a reptilian tear from within the stone cold rock of his soul.
    The people before them listened in resigned silence.
    “The divine council has convened and deliberated on what is to be done for justice to be served on these criminals and degenerates. After much soul wrenching we have come to a most painful yet necessary judgment.”
    Soul wrenching , thought Inanna. She must remember that word. It gave the humans the impression that we have a conscience .
    “The giants have become an unruly elite of privilege and power ,” Anu proclaimed. “They have conspired in revolution and have proven themselves unworthy of their status and authority. As of this day, the gods have removed the giants from leadership over you, and their organized activities have become illegal. The surviving Nephilim will no longer be allowed to congregate, and the Rephaim are considered outlaws for their conspiracy in the riots. They will no longer reign over you. Any giants that are found outside the employ of the palace or temple authority are considered criminals and will be executed. We gods have remained too distant and aloof from our people. But we will now leave our heavenly abode in the cosmic mountain and will reside in the cities of our patronage. We will protect you and shepherd you with our undivided attention.”
    The people murmured to one another. Enoch thought, Could it be true? Could the gods come and dwell amongst us? This seemed to make Elohim further distant in his invisibility and removed presence.
    The plan repulsed Inanna. These stinking organisms of bone, flesh, and excrement are loathsome , she thought. Elohim displayed his true incompetence when he created such foul parasites in his image — his despicable image that the gods had sworn an oath to desecrate .
    Anu ’s voice carried out over the crowd. “Some Nephilim who were captured have expressed remorse for their part in the uprising. Others did not join in. In our grace, we have chosen to accept these few loyal ones back into the fold of our mercy. We will brand them with tattoos of our ownership, and employ them only as our bodyguards and special forces. Those who escaped their punishment into the desert or wilderness will be hunted down and brought to justice.”
    The crowd of humans broke into spontaneous applause. Methuselah did not. He thought about how he might track down Thamaq and Yahipan and kill them.
    The noise made Anu pause. It created a nice dramatic effect. He raised his chin in the air to display a superiority of leadership that inspired confidence in his subjects. He was masterly.
    He rode the crest of the wave. “But good people of this fertile crescent, we will need your faith and your fortitude to help rebuild your cities, and create temples for your gods. To seek a progressive future where everyone will give their fair share and everyone will be taken care of from crib to grave.”
    More applause rang out from the people. He inspired them, refilling them with a sense of hope.
    Inanna chuckled to herself. These ignorant hairy insects have no idea that their fair share is complete and total servitude to the god of the city-state. They were born to be slaves and they will be slaves — from crib to grave . Inanna and the other gods had discovered the universal economic law from time immemorial: whatever you tax you get less of, and whatever you subsidize you get more of. By heavily overtaxing wealth, she could decrease the amount of private wealth and therefore lessen its power. By subsidizing poverty with

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