Enigma:What Lies Beneath (Enigma Series Book 1)

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Book: Enigma:What Lies Beneath (Enigma Series Book 1) by Ditter Kellen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ditter Kellen
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    Abbie held up a hand to stop him. “What is a Bracadyte and where is Aukrabah?”
    “A Bracadyte is a cave dweller. The name was given to us centuries ago by a local shaman of the natives. Aukrabah is my home in the gulf.”
    “So, you—you live in the water?”
    “Beneath it. I do not know how we came to be, or how long we existed in the deep before land walkers were discovered. Our scrolls date back to the great flood when we first encountered humans.”
    “When you say great flood, do you mean when Noah built the ark?”
    “The scrolls do not mention Noah or an ark. They tell us of a flood that destroyed the land, obliterating the four-legged creatures and many inhabitants of the sea as well.”
    “Do you realize what you are saying? Your people were around long before God’s infinite cleansing.”
    He cocked his head to the side. “You practice the human religion? Perhaps you are an angel after all.”
    “You know about our religion?”
    “I am aware of the human beliefs.”
    ”That’s interesting. As for your question about me practicing religion? I wouldn’t go so far as to say I practice it, and I’m certainly no angel. I believe in God. I believe he created us all, including you. I’m just not sure of what he expects from us on a day-to-day basis.”
    Growing uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation, she changed the subject. “You said that you live beneath the water. Explain it to me. Do you swim around in pods like dolphins and sharks? Also, I want to know why you have both lungs and gills.”
    A smile touched his lips, transforming him from beautiful to breathtaking. Abbie couldn’t speak. She could only stare in wonder and nod for him to continue.
    “You have many questions,” he teased. “We do not live in the water. We dwell beneath.”
    Abbie finally found her voice. “How does one live beneath the water?”
    “There are many places under the land and seas that have not been explored by humans, Abbie.”
    “Okay. Are you referring to caves and caverns that exist in the water?”
    He covered her hand with his. “Some are shallow and cold, while others are warm and go on for great distances.”
    “So you live in a cave then?”
    At his affirmation, she continued. Questions began spilling out unabashed. “Aren’t they full of water? How do you eat and sleep? Is it dark down there? And— ”
    “Slow down, Abbie. I will answer any questions you may have once I return from the gulf.”
    Abbie’s stomach flipped. “You’re leaving me?”
    At any other time, the look on Hauke’s face would have been comical. He gripped the hand he held and pulled her against his chest. “I will not leave you. I must immerse myself in the water for my body to properly heal.”
    “Oh,” she mumbled, feeling ashamed that she’d questioned him continuously since he’d awakened. “I’ll come with you.”
    Hauke kissed the top of her head and stood. “You should stay inside. There will be less chance of being seen if I go alone.”
    “No way. I’m coming with you.”
    “I will not endanger your life, Abbie. It is better for you to remain indoors. You would be alone on the beach while I am in the water.”
    Abbie knew he spoke the truth. She couldn’t risk being seen or questioned by one of the neighbors. “Okay. I’ll wait here. But please hurry. And, Hauke?” She touched his arm as he moved to step around her. “Be careful.”
    * * * *
    Hauke recognized Abbie’s reluctance to let him go alone. She feared he would leave her behind to face the laws of her people.
    She had saved his life, and as long as he lived, he would do everything in his power to keep her from harm’s way. “I will be back. I give you my word.”
    He left the room with Abbie following close behind him. He could feel her gaze touching on his naked body with every step he took.
    It took tremendous effort not to turn around and crush her to him, press his lips to hers, and profess his growing

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