Enigma:What Lies Beneath (Enigma Series Book 1)

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Book: Enigma:What Lies Beneath (Enigma Series Book 1) by Ditter Kellen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ditter Kellen
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    Abbie stared up at Hauke without blinking. His protective lenses were in place, making his eyes appear black as onyx. He looked wild and more than a little scary with his fangs peeking out and his bottom lip smeared with her blood.
    She wasn’t sure she liked him reading her every thought. “You don’t know him. He can help us, Hauke.”
    His gaze dropped to her breasts, and he bared his teeth “Cover yourself and do not speak of him again.”
    Humiliation was swift, mocking her with its heat as it spread across her skin in an unwelcome blush.
    Turning her head to the side, Abbie crossed her arms over her chest. Shame made speaking difficult, but she managed a whisper. “Get off me.”
    She could feel his gaze on her skin, the weight of his body pressing her into the mattress.
    “I cannot risk infecting you.” Hauke rolled away from her and stood, not bothering to cover his nudity.
    Abbie had a hard time focusing on his face. “What do you mean, infecting me?”
    He ran a hand through his long, silky hair. “I have not personally witnessed the infection’s destruction, and I do not believe my father before me has either. We were educated at a young age on the adverse effect of our venom on humans.”
    Abbie grabbed her clothes and pulled the sheet over her body to dress in a modicum of privacy. “Adverse, as in negative?”
    Sorrow swam in his beautiful green eyes. “Yes.”
    “Okay, negative in what way? Like run a fever and vomit for a week?”
    “Would that it be that simple.”
    Her heart began to pound. She pulled her jeans up and bounded from the bed to face him. “You’re starting to scare me.”
    He took hold of her hand and laid it against his chest while gently brushing her hair behind her ear with the tips of his fingers. “Many centuries ago, my ancestors inhabited this island.”
    “You mean Destin?”
    He nodded and continued. “South, east, and west of here also for many miles before the land walkers built bridges and constructed towns. The natives were sparse yet friendly for the most part, keeping to themselves. Until our king developed an affection for a beautiful young maiden, Aiyana, and took her for his own. She became infected not long after the mating ceremony.”
    “Mating ceremony?
    “The humans refer to it as a wedding night.”
    Understanding dawned on her. “What happened to her?”
    “The fever settled in first, then the blisters took over, covering her body until the pain grew too great to live.”
    “She died?” Abbie asked incredulously.
    “Her father grew suspicious when she was not seen after many days and demanded to see her.”
    Hauke let go of Abbie’s hand and ran a palm down his face. His eyes appeared weary beyond his years.
    Abbie gently touched his arm. “Go on. What happened after seeing his daughter?”
    “The elders tell us that her father attempted to care for her, eventually contracting the sickness and taking it back to his people, infecting others in his camp until the remaining land walkers declared war and rose up against my ancestors.”
    “Oh, my God. What was the outcome?”
    “The elders advised the king to return home beneath the water. We have remained there for hundreds of years in peace, until…”
    “Until you washed up on shore,” Abbie finished for him. “What happened to the king’s mate. Did she die?”
    Hauke took a deep breath and lifted a powerful shoulder. “I do not know. Stories were told to me as a child, but I am not sure of the amount of truth in them.”
    Abbie patted the mattress. “Sit and tell me.”

Chapter Ten
    Abbie’s insides were weak, and her legs felt as if they would give way at any moment. If what Hauke told her was true, then she ran the risk of becoming infected by the very virus he spoke of.
    She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled him down with her. “Tell me of the stories you were told.”
    “It was said the king attempted to take Aiyana with all remaining Bracadytes back to

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