sky around Mingulay when the several hundred people on board were met by saurs and taken to the main city of Mingulay, Kyohvic, where they settled. They were different in three important ways from other people who had arrived from Earth.
First, they had traveled into the space outside their world by themselves. These Cosmonauts, as they were called, had encountered a god in one of the very small worlds we have mentioned earlier, and it had communicated with them. It gave them copies of instructions on how to build the engines which enable us to travel at the speed of light, and the other engines to fly in the air like the saurs do. Unfortunately, it had not told them how to navigate, and when they used the engine they found themselves in the Second Sphere, with no idea of how they had got there or where it was. Their descendants, over several generations, had to work out how to navigate for themselves, and succeeded about ninety years ago. The Cosmonaut families went on to build ships such as the one you are now traveling in. The Bright Star also contained much new knowledge, discovered on Earth, which we are still learning. That is why we call ourselves the Bright Star Cultures.
This brings us to the second important way in which the Cosmonauts differ from most human beings. Many of them had taken medicines that enabled them to live for many hundreds of years, just like the saurs do. Unfortunately, neither they nor the saurs understood how this had happened, and we are still trying to find out. Many of the original Cosmonauts from the Bright Star are still alive today, and some of them are trying to help. They would be very happy if everyone could live as long as they do.
Thirdly, the Cosmonauts were the last people to arrive here from Earth. As of this date (SAYOL 2338) we know of no other arrivals from outside the Second Sphere. It is very possible that people on Earth, or the saurs near Earth, have come into conflict with another star-traveling species, which we call the aliens. It is possible that Earth has been destroyed. There is no need to be alarmed by this. If you have, now or in the future, any knowledge of creatures resembling furry spiders and about the size of a large dog, please inform the nearest militia officer or starship crew member as soon as possible.
And now, a word about the militia. We in the Bright Star Cultures believe that, in general, people should be free to do whatever is compatible with the freedom of others. Here and below, person, people, and human refer to members of all intelligent species. Some religious, sexual, and other practices of which you disapprove may be permitted by law. Some of your own practices, which you believe to be righteous, may be prohibited by law. For your comfort and safety, it is important that you do not make mistakes in this area. Please study the following carefully:
Permitted practices of which you may disapprove:
All forms of sexual relations between people over the age of puberty.
All forms of attire (other than uniforms worn for purposes of deception) or lack of attire in all public places except places of worship or public ceremony.
All modes of address to people of any rank. All modes of worship not involving prohibited practices.
All forms of artistic expression, including descriptions and depictions (but not commission or incitement) of prohibited practices.
Self-medication, including for ennui.
Reading books in public.
Writing in the margins of books.
Keeping and carrying weapons.
Prohibited practices (with or without consent) of which you may approve:
Human sacrifice.
Entertainments of lethal combat.
Sexual relations with people below the age of puberty.
Sexual relations with beasts.
Nonmedical surgery on people below the age of puberty, including but not limited to: scarification, infibulation, circumcision.
Animal sacrifice grossly incompatible with the
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