Enforcing Home

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Book: Enforcing Home by A. American Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. American
came abreast of the two men, they paused once again. Ted paid attention to their behavior. They stayed quiet and still for the most part.
    “They have a little discipline,” Ted said.
    “Yeah; but they think they’re safe in the dark though. They squirm around a little,” Mike added.
    “Not as safe as they think they are.”
    “Want me to take ‘em out?” Mike asked with a grin.
    Ted looked at him, his face glowing green in the NVG, shaking his head he replied, “Not yet Dexter. Come on; let’s move out and see what’s behind them.”
    This section of Demco road was dirt, the pavement giving way to the ever-present sugar sand of north central Florida. Mike and Ted were moving down the north side of the road when Mike grabbed Ted’s shoulder again. Ted immediately stopped and glanced back. Mike gave him the I see signal, and pointed down to the road surface. Ted looked down to see numerous footprints in the sand, coming from a trail on the opposite side of the road. The tracks turned down the road heading east, the way they’d just come. Ted nodded and moved out, going about thirty yards before taking a knee on the side of the road.
    “Let’s parallel it and see where it goes,” Ted said. Mike nodded, and they quickly crossed the road, one at a time.
    It didn’t take long for them to come to a compound with considerable activity. In the center of the property was a large home with a screened-in pool. And there was another home beside it, obviously part of the same group. Scattered around these two structures were a number of RVs and travel trailers, as well as tents of all sorts. Fires, small and large, burned throughout the property. Around each of these were varying numbers of people.
    “Can you imagine what that pool looks like?” Mike wondered aloud.
    “Pay attention shit head,” Ted popped back.
    “Don’t worry, I’m getting a head count.”
    Along with the houses, trailers and tents were a couple of large outbuildings. Ted was looking intently at a large barn behind the larger of the two houses. It was well lit, the low rumble of a generator coming from it.
    “That barn is full of ATVs and shit,” Ted said.
    “Yeah, see that fuel tank?” Mike replied.
    Ted nodded and made a mark on the sketchpad resting on his knee. They continued to map the compound as well as count the people there, combatants, potential combatants and non-combatants. Everything they saw was marked out, livestock, potential fuel and water stores, everything. After about an hour, Ted twirled his finger in the air. Mike nodded, and the two moved out. Ted checked his watch as they moved; almost midnight he thought.
    As they approached the sentry post, Ted moved off into a hide where they could both see the people on sentry and the trail they used to move to it. They had been in the hide for nearly an hour when two people appeared from the trail, walking down the road towards the sentries. The guys watched as the relief took place. Little was said between them, the relief taking place quickly. Once the relieved pair was on the trail to the compound, Mike and Ted slipped out of the hide and made their way back to the house where Jeff was waiting. As the house came into sight, Ted keyed the mic on his radio, “Coming in.”
    After a short pause, Jeff replied, “Come on in.”
    Ted looked at Mike. “Shit,” Mike said.
    “Switch to the bravo channel,” Ted said as he pulled his radio from his vest. Once they’d changed the frequencies on their radios Ted said, “They’re going to be expecting us to come from this side; let’s move around to the rear of the house.”
    “Why can’t anything ever be easy?” Mike moaned as they moved out.
    They watched the house carefully as they moved, seeing no signs of life. Once at the rear of the house they took a knee. “Alright, you stay here; I’m going to move around to the other side. I’ll let you know when I’m in place; then we’ll move on them.”
    Mike nodded and Ted

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