Endangered Species: PART 1
won’t make that mistake
next time.”
    Levell appreciated the concern in Whelan’s
voice. “What actions are you taking to be ready for a ‘next
    “ It’s clear that he knows
where we are. Any ideas how he might have gotten that
    Levell thought about the question for a few
moments. “No. As far as I know I’m the only person who has that
information, and I sure as hell didn’t share it with anyone.”
    “ He might have figured it
out. He and I were born near Dingle. It would just be a matter of
time before he pinpointed the Fianna. But there also is a
possibility that the information might have been leaked by someone
in the Society.”
    “ So, I’m asking again, what
do you plan to do?”
    “ Caitlin’s extended family
is large and tightknit. We have armed people watching us
constantly, but that won’t stop Maksym indefinitely. They’re no
match for him.”
    “ What would you like me to
do at this end?”
    “ Let the others in the unit
know that someone may be coming after them, too. Maksym found me;
he can find them.”
    “ I’ll do whatever I can
from here. Be prepared; there are things developing that will
require your services.”
    “ I don’t like the sound of
that, Cliff. I told you after the Chaim Laski operation that I’m
retired from wet work.”
    “ I don’t think you have a
choice in the matter, Whelan. If you still care about the country
that took you and your parents in and provided opportunities you’d
never have found anywhere else, then the Dogs are going to have to
be reactivated.”
    There was a long pause. Finally, Whelan
said, “What’s the problem, Cliff?”
    “ This nation is quickly
reaching a point where it can’t effectively oppose its enemies. The
current administration has weakened the country by, among other
things, polarizing the population along racial and economic lines,
destroying the middle class, reducing its military power and space
program, leading from behind in global affairs, and eschewing a
rational foreign policy.”
    “ Is it just the president
and his party, or are there others involved?”
    Levell made a sound that
wasn’t like anything Whelan had heard him make in the past. It
sounded very much like a weary sigh. “You’re very observant. No,
it’s much deeper than that. There’s an organization, the AGU
or Alliance for Geopolitical Unity. Its
members are the top financial people in the world, Wall Streeters
and their ilk around the globe.”
    “ What’s their role in
    “ Greed. They want a
planetary banking monopoly. Their goal is to create a one-world
government. The international bankers control it, but they include among their
membership lackeys in the mass media,
education, and entertainment who push propaganda of ‘humanism’ and
world brotherhood, while opposing such ‘selfish’ things as
nationalities and patriotism. Their strategy includes eliminating
middle classes, destroying confidence in currencies, massive debt
structures. They intend to weaken America and take it out of the
international mix.”
    “ Why is the current
administration playing along with this?” Whelan said.
    “ A recent editorial in
the Wall Street Journal summed it pretty nicely. It pointed out that those on the left don’t seem to grasp that
the one-grand-scheme-fits-all compulsion is out of sync with the
individualization that technology lets people design into their
lives today. Rather than resolve the complexities of public policy
in the world we inhabit, the left’s default is to simply acquire
power, then cram down what they want to do with one-party votes or
by fiat, figuring they can muddle through the wreckage later.
Making the unworkable work by executive decree or court-ordered
obedience is one way to rule, and maybe they like it that way, but
it isn’t governing. And it certainly isn’t in the best interests of
the American people.”
    “ What about the opposition
party in America? Aren’t they capable of

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