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Book: Enchantment by Lawna Mackie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lawna Mackie
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word and shield. “Perhaps a good workout will ease y o u r mind.”
    Kerrigan s m i l ed, and the clash rang throughout the Councilors’ Real m . The fight with Str y k e r would be nothing co m pa r ed to the fight he’d have to face with Meeka.

    Cha p ter Nine
    W ow! W h a t a dream.
    Peeling her e y es open, Meeka groaned. That was the last time she was going to go boating… at least for a while. Pre s sing a hand to her head, she sat up, blinking while glancing out the wind o w. There was no window. N o dressing table or closet. It wasn’t a drea m .
    Panic swept through her. Fully awake, Meeka stared at the large, round bed.
    O h, my God, I’m still in this horrible nightmare.
    With la z y e y es and a y a w n, Catz m urmured, “I told y o u this wasn’t a dre a m .” “This isn’t p o ssible.”
    Catz rubbed her head along Meeka’s ar m . “ Meeka, y o u have alw a y s been s pecial. You are m eant to be here. I know it see m s i m possible to believe, but I w as sent to Earth to be with y o u and to co m fo r t y ou from people like y o u r worthless parents.”
    Meeka let out a breath and s urv e y e d her surroundings again. “I think my head is okay n o w. I s hould t r y to stand up.” She scooted over to the edge of the bed and stood. The dizziness and headache had subsided.
    Meeka stood with determination. “I’m going to t r y the door again.” She frowned at the doorknob and twisted it. No success. “Catz, w h y didn’t y ou speak to m e out loud before now ? ”
    Catz stuck out her front leg and licked her p a w, rubbing it over her ear and face. She looked up at Meeka. “ Y ou were not rea d y to hear m e speak this wa y .” She ju m ped off the bed and followed her as s he ex a m ined the roo m .
    “But, w h y m e, Catz? Why am I her e ? ” Still inspecting the large roo m , M eeka id l y w ondered h o w a round room was built. When w ould the Adonis wanna - be come bac k ? He had to have m ore answers for her. She looked d o wn at her disheveled clothing. H er black j eans were w rinkled, and her pink sweatshirt torn and hanging slight l y off one s houlder, showing portions of her pink la c y bra.
    I m ust look ho r ribl e .
    A bathro o m and s hower would be great. Did th e y have such things in this different world? Her sto m ach gr o wled unhappi l y . It was her fault for not eating breakfast.
    W h a t do they eat? H opefully not huma n s.
    “I can’t stay in this room for m uch longer, Catz, I’m going to go cra z y . Do y o u think we will be able to go ho m e s oon ? ”
    “I w ouldn’t count on it. You have a desti n y here, ties to this place that y o u m ust fulfill. It see m s the m an wants us gone, but I don’t believe that will happen s oon enough. I’m here to help protect y o u in the journ e y , and s o will the m an.”
    G oosebu m ps for m ed up and down her ar m s, and the hairs on the back of her neck stood. “Protection? Why w ould I need protection? W h y would so m eone want to harm m e ? ” Meeka scrunched her brows, deciding she didn’t w ant to know the answer to that question. “ Catz, what exact l y are y o u ? ”
    “I am from a species called Le m r ens. We are shape-shifters, but can on l y do so into an ani m a l for m . We have m a n y m a g ical abilit i es w hich allow u s to protect our co m panions. F rom time to t i m e, we are s ent to Earth to help special beings like y ou discover the m sel v es and their p o wer.”
    “But I don’t have a n y special p o wers or abili t ies. If I did, I’d get us out of here. Perhaps y ou were confused and got the wrong hu m an ? ” Meeka offered a vague, half-for m ed hope.
    Finding a spot on the floor, Catz sat and looked up her. “Y o u are the one, Meeka. Y our abilities will bec o m e m ore prevalent while y o u are here, and I’m gu e ssing the m a l e will help with y o u r transition.”
    Her breath caught. Swallowing around the knot in her throat, she stared at

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