in my grief.
We ride back together and I thank him for such a wonderful day. When we dismount, he walks with me to the door of the Duke’s mansion. As I approach the entrance, I can see that someone else is arriving. The staff are out on the door step and the Duke is there to greet his eldest granddaughter, Lady Harriet, back home from Bath. I stay my distance, it is after all my time off and I’m not expected to perform family duties. However, the children have other ideas and they soon run over to me, especially when they see, and recognize, my companion. At this point I feel obliged to approach the welcoming committee. I bravely take my companion with me, and introduce Harry to the Duke of Norwood. It turns out there is no need as the he already knows Harry, and his father, well.
“Do you still do much fishing Harry?” Lord Guy asks him as he approaches us.
“It’s harder these days, Sir, what with my arm. Also, my father is working me hard in his workshop,” he smiles back at Lord Guy.
“Ah yes, your father, the finest jeweler in all of England,” Lord Guy replies. “Tell me, how is the wedding ring coming along?”
“It is almost complete, Sir, exactly as you ordered it. My father will bring it along in a day or two now that you have returned,” Harry says.
I look on in wonder as the two of them chat as if they have known each other all of their lives. Lord Guy says nothing to me, and neither does Lady Harriet, who passes us with her new companion, the young lady I had seen naked.
As everyone goes inside, I take the opportunity to thank Harry, once again, for my wonderful day.
“You want to stay away from that one,” he warns me.
“Who?” I ask, but I knew who he meant.
“Lord Guy, he’s a rascal with the women. He’s broken a few hearts in the village. It’s well known that he likes to prey on the local woman. I would hate to be his wife, that’s for sure,” he shakes his head as if in sympathy to the future spouse of Lord Guy.
“Well, you would look rather preposterous with a frilly dress on,” I joke, imagining Harry as a wife gives me a giggle.
I do not tell of my own personal experience with Lord Guy, but perhaps I will share it with him one day, when our trust has been secured.
“Good day to you then, Rose, erm, I mean, Rosalind,” he stutters, “or Miss Blackwood, whichever you prefer when you’re on your employer’s lands.”
“I like Rose very much, Harry, let that be your name for me, I would like that,” I say, rather pleased with being named after a beautiful flower.
“Very good,” he replies, “I like that too. I mean, having a special name for you.”
He stops fidgeting and puts his hat back on his head, making his way to the small carriage.
“Until next time then,” he calls over. “See you next Sunday, after church, yes?” he asks.
I nod my agreement. A warm glow sweeps through me and I feel a sense of happiness and contentment. I have a new friend and he is the perfect tonic to the toxic presence of Lord Guy.
Chapter 17
Over the next few weeks the household is in chaos, over the impending wedding. This makes me all the more determined to ensure that the children have a good routine. Children feel so much happier and secure, if they know what they are doing day to day. That’s not to say that the routine cannot be broken occasionally, because it can. It is important for children to feel there is some stability in their lives.
I have been making great progress with them and they are all coming along leaps and bounds, not only in the classroom, they are all developing in to able young people. After weeks of trying, I eventually managed to convince Margaret that it was time to be riding a horse again. Today we are going to walk it around the stable yard, with me by her side. I am pleased that I have gained the confidence of my charges, all but Lady Harriet, that is. I
Joyce Johnson
The Tender Texan
Thomas Head
CJ Bishop
James Wesley Rawles
Lea Chan
Diana Persaud
Levi Donaldson
Charles Papazian
E F Schumacher