Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series)

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Book: Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series) by Maryann Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maryann Jordan
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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    “There are almost ten acres to the property,” Emma said, looking over the reports from the realtor. “There is supposed to be a small hunting shack somewhere near the back of the property line, but I don’t want to walk that far today,” she added.
    Jake made her promise that she would not wander around her woods without him. He glared at her, knowing how independent she was.
    “No, no. Don’t worry, I have no desire to get lost in the woods.” she laughed.
    “So what do you think?” he asked.
    “I really like it. I can afford it and I feel like it is something that I can fix up, make it mine, finally have something that is all my own. It is only ten minutes away from Laurie’s place and only fifteen minutes away from the high school where I will be working in the fall,” Emma stated. She looked up at him questioningly. “So what do you think? I would really value your opinion.”
    Jake reached out and pulled her in close. As independent and self-reliant as Emma was, Jake was honored that his opinion was important to her. “It’s a good place, Emma. And babe, if it puts a smile on that gorgeous face then I’m good.” He leaned down for another kiss, taking her mouth in a slow, gentle kiss that affected Emma more than she wanted to admit. She knew she could fall hard for Jake and wondered if she hadn’t already.

Chapter 6
    T he foreclosure sale went through with no hassles and Emma found herself a first time homeowner. She was so busy with the new house that the next couple of weeks seem to fly by. She and Laurie spent almost every day at the new house, cleaning, painting, and refinishing. Emma had lived in rented apartments for so many years that the idea of painting thrilled her. Choosing a soft taupe for the living and dining room, she painted one accent wall in the dining area a deep hunter green. She carried the green color scheme into the kitchen, mixing it with yellow accents. She bought new appliances and arranged to have her furniture from storage delivered. Carol came over on her days off and helped as well.
    Tom, Rob, and Jake, plus several of their firefighting and police friends came on the weekends to paint the outside. Emma chose pale yellow for the house with green for the shutters. It wasn’t unusual for her to look outside and see a few of the men with yellow in their hair and green all over their hands. One hot Saturday afternoon, she looked out of the kitchen window seeing Jake, Tom, and Rob all shirtless. All three were gorgeous men, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of Jake’s naked chest. Bulky muscles covered his arms and pecs, with just a spattering of sandy colored chest hair tapering down towards his…
    “Emma, what are you staring at with your mouth hanging open?” Laurie interrupted as she and Carol walked into the room. Emma, embarrassed at having been caught gawking, snapped her jaw shut and turned around, trying to look innocent.
    Carol peeking out of the window at the three Greek gods in the yards, leaned in and said, “Yummy!” All three women laughed and were unashamed to continue enjoying the view as they finished painting the rooms.
    Emma desperately wanted flowers in her yard having lived for years in the city where the only flowers were at the park. Knowing that Helen loved planting, she turned to her for advice.
    “What are your favorite flowers?” Helen asked. Emma, feeling silly, had to answer that she didn’t know. Helen patted her hand and said, “Well then, dearie, what is your favorite color?”
    At this, Emma smiled answered, “I love every color of flower!”
    Helen laughed and said, “Leave everything to me – I will take care of your garden!”
    Helen brought over plants in vivacious colors and began to fill up the old flower gardens around the yard and in front of the porch. This riot of color brought new life to the discarded property, creating the vision that Emma had for her home.
    Helen and Roger’s grandson Brad came over

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