Emily's Choice

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Book: Emily's Choice by Heather McCoubrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather McCoubrey
He was still so perfect. It pained her beyond words to see him standing in
front of her and to know she couldn’t walk into his arms and hear his steady heartbeat
beneath her ear. To know that she didn’t belong in those arms any longer.
laughed harshly. “You might be able to lie to everyone else, but you can’t lie
to me.”
    Jason stared
at her with wide, innocent eyes, and Emily couldn’t believe he was pretending
not to know. Well, two could play at this game.
    “I paced my
room for hours,” Emily said calmly. “I waited for you to get home and when I
saw the headlights, I hurried over. I hid in the trees until Tyler and Jake
deposited you in your room. I saw Tyler and he told me that you were drunk, but
I laughed.” Emily blinked rapidly, trying to dispel the tears that sprang to
her eyes. Hadn’t she already promised herself she wouldn’t cry over him
anymore? “I laughed because I was happy. Happy you’d had a great time and happy
that we weren’t going to have to wait much longer. We’d be together, and I
wouldn’t have to sneak out to sleep with you anymore.” She turned from him and
walked over to the windows, glancing outside.
    “But it
wasn’t me you were waiting for. You were very busy with Lila when I walked into
your room.”
Jason yelled. Two steps had him at Emily’s side, and he gripped her arm,
spinning her to face him. She tried to shrug him off but he held tight. “Lila?
I keep telling people and no one is listening. There. Was. No. One. In. My.
Room,” he ground out, enunciating each word harshly.
    “You were
kissing her and had your hands all over her naked body,” she snarled, glaring
at him. She pulled her arm from his grip and quickly moved away from him when
she saw his dazed expression.
    She watched
him stare off into space and wondered if he was trying to fabricate a lie. She
wouldn’t fall for it, though. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame
on me. She’d done some heavy duty thinking since arriving in Boston, and she
was going to do this on her own. She and Jason were over; their relationship
was dead. Her trust in him had been irrevocably broken and there was no going
    “Emily, I
don’t know what you’re talking about. I woke up alone.”
    She snorted.
“That’s what you’re going with? Amnesia?”
    “I don’t
know what else to tell you. The last thing I remember is leaving some bar in
Santa Fe. There were drinks in the limo, and I don’t even know where we went
after that. I don’t remember coming home.”
    She shook
her head. “You need to leave. I can’t even look at you.”
please!” Jason implored. He strode over and gripped her arms. “I love you. Only
you, I swear it. I’m going to fix this. Please, please don’t give up on us. On
    “It’s over,
Jason. I’m done. I can’t look at you. I can’t close my eyes without seeing your
hands on her body. I can’t trust you.” The hated tears flowed down her cheeks
and she angrily swiped at them. “You have to go.” She walked over to the door
and opened it, gesturing with her hand for him to leave.
    Jason stood
in the center of the living room, hands on his hips and gaze fixed on the
carpet at his feet. For a moment, Emily thought he wouldn’t leave, and she
wondered what she’d do if that happened.
    He walked
over and stood in front of her. Reaching out, he lifted her chin with his
finger. Staring into her eyes, he sighed. “I love you, and I will figure out a
way to prove it to you. To prove to you that I’m not the man you think I am. I’m
going to get to the bottom of this, and I’m going to win you back.”
    He leaned
down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Then he was gone.
    Emily stood
in the doorway, shock written on her face as she brought her fingers to her
lips. God help her, she still loved him.

Chapter Seven
    The bar was
busy and Jason was glad for it. He chose a corner table, hidden in the shadows.
Sipping his

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