Emergency Sleepover

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Book: Emergency Sleepover by Fiona Cummings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona Cummings
    “It’s the last scavenger clue!” they giggled.
    “Childish!” I tutted and tried to get rid of some of the gunk which had collected in my ears. I was so busy doing that that I didn’t hear them come back. One minute I was covered in dried-on tomato sauce, the next… SPLOSH! I was wet and slimy
all over again.
Those so-called mates of mine had filled up their buckets with water from the car-wash and thrown it over me!
    “Right, I’m going to get you!” I yelled, and started to chase them towards the front entrance of the supermarket.

Customers looked terrified as four girls came tearing towards them pursued by a gunge-covered monster. Frankie, Fliss, Rosie and Lyndz dived through the main doors. I knew I shouldn’t follow them in, but I couldn’t help myself.
    “Not so fast, young lady!”
    I felt someone grab hold of my collar. I’d been nabbed by the store detective! Or maybe it was Mr Hicks? Trembling I turned round.
You nearly gave me the shock of my life!”
    “I should think so too. Shoppers would have been keeling over in fear if you’d gone tearing in there looking like a swamp monster. Sometimes I despair of you, Kenny, I really do.”
    By that time my friends had come out to find me.
    “We’ve just had a close encounter with Mr Hicks!” Frankie gasped. “We had to pretend that we’d rushed in there to thank him for all his help before we went home.”
    “So how did it go?” asked Dad, wiping his hands clean on his handkerchief. “Did you make lots of money?”
    “The money!” we all shrieked together.
    We’d left the sack full of coins next to the bath of baked beans when we went chasing off. We dashed back as fast as we could. But it had disappeared!
    “Not again!” moaned Rosie. “I don’t suppose you asked Mrs Poole to look after it this time, did you Fliss?”
    Fliss shook her head.
    “Is this what you’re looking for?” Molly the Monster swung the sack in front of my face.
    “Give it here!” I demanded.
    “No way!” she laughed. “If you’re so careless, I should keep it. Or at least get a reward for finding it.”
    “Don’t be so ridiculous, Molly!” boomed Dad from behind me. “Hand it over at once.”
    He took the sack from Molly, then turned back to me. “But I do think you ought to be a bit more careful with things, Kenny. And do try to get yourself cleaned up – you’re certainly not going in my car looking like that!”
    Charming! What was even more charming was that he meant it. When we’d disposed of the bath of baked beans, Dad actually made me walk home! He offered to give the others a lift, but they said they’d walk back with me. (I think Fliss was a bit peeved about that, actually.) Molly the Monster thought that was ace, and waved and pulled faces at us from the back of Dad’s car until they were right out of sight.
    To get to my house we had to pass Rosie’s, Fliss’s and Frankie’s homes. Rosie’s mum was in their garden.
    “Golly, you look a mess, Kenny. Have a good time tonight, and don’t forget…” And she put her fingers to her lips.
    “What was all that about?” I asked Rosie.
    “Dunno,” she shrugged. “Maybe the fresh air has gone to her head!”
    As we walked past Fliss’s house, Andy was helping Mrs Sidebotham to shift her table back inside.
    “Nice one, Mrs S!” I called out. “You were a real star today!”
    She smiled and giggled a bit, just like Fliss does sometimes.
    “Glad to be of assistance. Are you ready for the spo…”
,” said Andy quickly.
    “Erm, yes, thanks,” I replied, puzzled.
    We carried on walking.
    “What’s matter with everybody today?” I wondered out loud.
    When we passed Frankie’s house, her mum was in the garden with Izzy.
    “Have a good sleepover, girls. And don’t talk too much!”
    “Yeah, right, Mother,” called Frankie, raising her eyes to the rest of us. “Weird, really weird!”
    We were all kind of ready to flop when we got back to my

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