Embracing the Flames

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Book: Embracing the Flames by Candace Knoebel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Knoebel
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silent tune. When he finished with the box, he tucked it inside a drawer and looked up at me. His eyes were glowing brightly.
    “What’s that?” I asked, pointing in the general direction of where he placed the box.
    “Hmm...that?” he said absently, “just a little reinforcement.” He finished the thought with a smile. “What brings you to this side of the house?”
    I fidgeted. “Can I tell you something?” I asked hesitantly.
    His brows rose.
    “I feel like going before the Council is a waste of time.” I tried to keep from sounding like a teenager who was told to clean her room and straightened my shoulders, hoping that he would understand. “Don’t you think we should be focusing more on weeding information out of Zane?”
    He sat back with a shocked look on his face. “Your title does matter, Aurora. It is a matter of gaining respect. If you want to be viewed as a respectable Mage, then you need to go before the Council and be granted a title. If you want to be able to lure other Mages to our side, then you must first earn their respect. A Liege won’t even consider listening to you if you don’t have a title.”
    “If that ever happens,” I said under my breath.
    Astral’s eyes pulsed, daring me to continue. “What do you mean by that?” 
    “I mean, I don’t think you, or my dad, or even Gabe for that matter, will ever think that we are ready. We are still too young to fight in your eyes.”
    I looked at him defiantly, ensuring that he understood where this was coming from. “And I really can’t see a silly title changing that or the way I feel inside. It won’t change my insecurities. And it sure as hell won’t protect me from what’s coming.”
    “No, it won’t change those things. What you do not understand is, although you are prophesized for something great, you are still here, in the now. Your father and I have worked very hard to give you a normal life. It’s a smidgen of happiness amongst the despair that is sure to come.”
    I was taken aback by Astral’s blatant honesty, and I suddenly felt a little selfish. I ran my hands through my hair, kicking myself once again for not thinking before I spoke. As my hands fell to my side, there was one question that popped up amongst my punishing thoughts. “Do you really think I can do it? Stop him, I mean?”
    I was almost scared to hear his answer.
    With glowing eyes of wisdom, Astral tilted his head. “A cat climbing incredible heights isn't afraid of falling because of the faith it has in the object it climbs, but because it has faith in its ability to land on all fours. Your fear will be the only thing holding you back.”
    It was just the thing I needed to hear.
    He chuckled as the words continued to replay in my mind. “Are you ready for some more training?”
    “When am I not?”
    The trinkets whizzed by me and onto the shelves as the chair in front of his desk slid out on its own, inviting me to take a seat.
    Astral leaned forward, his eyes darkening, and lowered his voice. “What I intend to teach you is something only for advanced Mages.”
    I eagerly moved to the edge of the seat.
    After a moment’s pause, he casually leaned back, his eyes mocking my assumption. “But since you feel that going before the Council is unnecessary,” he mused lightly, “learning how to conserve your magical energy is, in turn, pointless.”
    I huffed and crossed my arms, slouching down into the seat. “If I am to defeat Zordon, then you should teach me anyway, despite my opinion.”
    After a short chuckle, he moved on. “I want to teach you a method the Priests use to conserve energy.”
    That piqued my interest. I sat up straight once again. “Fenn read about them last night.” I tugged on my lower lip in thought. “Something about them teaching Mages how to conserve energy and being taken in under an apprenticeship.”
    His face grew dark. “You never want to apprentice with them. Do you understand?”
    My face screwed up in

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