Embattled Christmas

Read Online Embattled Christmas by J.M. Madden - Free Book Online

Book: Embattled Christmas by J.M. Madden Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.M. Madden
Tags: Romance, Military, Christmas, xmas
Chapter One
    J ohn blinked at the look of rapture on Shannon’s lovely face, turned to look up at the towering float overloaded with lights. “Oh,” she sighed. “Look how pretty it is.”
    She glanced down at him with expectation on her face and he couldn’t help but nod and smile. He didn’t get the whole Christmas thing. In the foster homes they barely even recognized the holiday. There was never enough money in the budget. They hardly had enough to eat, let alone get presents.
    It was a commercial holiday blown out of proportion by stores to get people to spend money. He wasn’t going to tell Shannon that though. It would break her heart. He was willing to go along with whatever she wanted as long as it made her happy.
    That’s why they were in downtown Denver watching the Parade of Lights. Rather than a regular date night he’d decided to brave the crowds and difficulties of traveling into the city for her. One of the five million commercials for the spectacle had been playing one night and she’d murmured that it seemed like it would be a fun thing to do. He’d known by the wistfulness on her face that he had to take her.
    And he didn’t regret it. Even he had to admit that her joy and eagerness to see what was coming next was a little contagious. He didn’t like all the people or the crowds, but his anxiety was manageable.
    Shannon turned to watch the next float come into sight. John tugged at her hand and she dropped down to his lap. They were on a little bank but the chair brakes were set. As her easy weight settled to his lap he marveled that she was still with him. It had been an interesting year, full of adaptations on both their parts, but he knew for a fact he had gotten the better end of their relationship. Shannon was amazing, showing him how to love more deeply than he ever could have imagined. No matter what his mood, she always greeted him with a smile and a kiss.
    That was why he was worried. Over the past month she hadn’t been greeting him the same way. There was a hesitancy to her demeanor that was driving him crazy and he felt like his little piece of heaven was slipping away. The excitement in her eyes tonight though, was totally different. It made him wonder if he’d been reading more into her actions than was actually there.
    Shannon turned her face up to his and he dropped a kiss to her smiling lips. She responded with enthusiasm, kissing along his jaw and neck. The soft cotton of her hat brushed against his cheek as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I love you, John.”
    His arms tightened around her, bulky coat and all. “I love you, Shannon. You are everything to me.”
    When she lifted her head, tears had filled her eyes. “I know I am. I still love to hear it, though.”
    John tightened his jaw at the tiny criticism. No, he wasn’t as demonstrative as Zeke was with Ember, or even Chad and Lora in their new relationship, but he felt like he’d grown a lot since he and Shannon had gotten together. He told her he loved her every day pretty much and made sure she didn’t want for anything.
    She turned her head back to the band coming down the street, her expression lightening. John locked his arms around her and wondered why he felt so unsettled.
    Shannon eased back into the cradle of John’s embrace and tried to be enthusiastic about the Parade of Lights. It had taken a lot of gumption for him to bring her down here and he needed to know that she appreciated it. John was a homebody. He would be content staying in every night, cleaning his guns or tinkering with some electronic device. They went out with the other LNF couples sometimes or down to Frog Dog, but even that was not very often.
    In the past year John had really changed. For the better mostly. Yes, he was vigilant but not like he used to be. After all the mess last year with Wilkins stalking her and Lisa arranging Shannon’s kidnapping, they were allowed to be vigilant for a while. It gave them peace

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