Elusive (On The Run Book #1)

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Book: Elusive (On The Run Book #1) by Sara Rosett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Rosett
Tags: Suspense, Humorous, adventure, Romance, Mystery, Travel, Europe, Italy, International, Sara Rosett
be renewing her lease when it expired at the end of
next month. A note scrawled in blue felt-tip marker at the bottom read, “Sorry
to drop this on you, but Joe got a new job in Houston, and we’re moving as soon
as school is out. You’ve been a wonderful landlady, and I hate to go, but it’s
an opportunity we can’t pass up.”
    Zoe leaned against the counter as
it dawned on her that she would have two empty offices to rent in the next few
weeks. The rent was a large chunk of her income, and a hefty portion of it went
to make her half of the house payment. And Jack wasn’t around to make the other
half of that payment, either. What would she do? Apply for that job at the
county? She frowned at the thought.
    She shook her head and
straightened up, mentally scolding herself for even thinking of her finances at
a time like this. Connor was dead and Jack...she forced herself to think about
what she’d been avoiding for the last several hours. Jack was gone, too, she
thought, remembering the solemn faces of the Highway Patrol officers who’d
brought her the news about Jack.
    There had been no news from the
search team, and she’d heard on the radio on the way home that afternoon that
cadaver dogs were now part of the search. She knew what that meant—the chance
of finding him alive was very slim.
    She cleared her throat and blinked
rapidly. Stay busy, she lectured herself. Keep moving. She cleared away the
mail then poured herself a glass of ginger ale. The fizzy bubbles tickled her
nose, and she debated adding a splash of something stronger to the drink, but
instead she turned away from the kitchen. She was already sad enough.
    She paused at the bottom of the
stairs, looking up thoughtfully, going back over what the FBI guy had asked. If
they’d called in cadaver dogs, then why had that guy, Sato, asked her where
Jack would go if he were in trouble? That suave FBI guy had been jerking me
around, Zoe thought. She watched enough police shows to know that investigators
sometimes manipulated suspects and witnesses.
why hadn’t they asked more questions about Connor?
Not that Zoe
would have been able to help them. She wouldn’t have been able to tell them who
to call to notify of his death. She knew he wasn’t married, but beyond that
info, she didn’t know anything about his personal life. Once she’d discovered
what a jerk he was, she’d pretty much steered clear of him.
    The words “notify them of his
death,” so formal and dismal, seemed to ring in her ears. She supposed she
really should call her mom and tell her what had happened. No, she decided,
definitely not. Her mom would be on a plane in hours, the travel schedule
conveniently sent to any and all bottom-feeding paparazzi who might be
interested in snagging some camera time with her at the airport. No, something
like this would bring out the absolute worst in Donna. Good thing she was
closed away at that spa for her serenity treatment.
    At least, Jack’s parents had
already passed on. How awful would that be—to get a call with the news that
your son had died? She shuddered at the thought.
    Then she remembered Eddie. She
rubbed her hand over her eyes. Jack’s cousin Eddie was the lone family member
who Jack kept in touch with. She supposed Jack had other distant relatives, but
he’d only ever mentioned Eddie. She should call him. Not should, she had to.
Eddie should know. Her mom was optional, but Eddie was all the family that Jack
had. She really wished Jack had introduced her to him when they were in Vegas.
Of course, they’d been a little busy getting married on the spur of the moment.
    Zoe set down her glass on the hall
table and pulled Jack’s phone from her back pocket and scrolled through the
names in the contact list. She didn’t find an entry for Eddie. After picking up
her glass, Zoe walked up the stairs slowly, feeling odd. It had been months—a
year maybe?—since she’d been on the second floor of the house. She went in

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