Elisabeth Kidd

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Book: Elisabeth Kidd by A Hero for Antonia Read Free Book Online
Authors: A Hero for Antonia
eyes and saw again the intent look that occasionally crept into them.
    “What is it?”
    “That if there is any service I may perform for you in London, you will not hesitate to call on me for it.”
    She smiled. “Thank you, my lord. You are very kind.”
    “I shall hold you to it, you know—and with perfectly selfish motives!”
    Her smile turned into a gurgling laugh, and he went out into the night with the sound of it in his ears.

Chapter 4
    The dinner at Wyckham was soon followed by an invitation to partake of a light nuncheon—this being all, Mr Kenyon regretted, that was available under present circumstances—at Windeshiem. And, now he came to think of it, why did Antonia and Isabel not stay the afternoon, just as they were used to do as children? Antonia knew the house as well as her own and would not refuse to serve as hostess to his guests—and a much more charming companion than a helpless old man could aspire to be.
    Antonia informed Mrs Curtiz in confidence, if not in moderation, of what she thought of her Uncle Philip’s sly manners.
    “But we shall have to go, for Isabel is determined to do so. I could wish that her determination did not so resemble that of a martyr on the way to the stake, but I have hopes that Mr Gary’s charms will succeed in putting her more at ease—and that his scruples will prevent her being swept off her feet by them.”
    The two ladies were waiting in the hallway at Wyckham for the third to join them. Imogen pointed her walking stick at Antonia and said, “I wonder that you are willing to risk the limits of Mr Gary’s charm.”
    Antonia sighed. “I do not see that I have any choice. I admit to a partiality on my own part to the young man, and I did say that I wish Isabel will not marry only for money; but at the same time I cannot help wishing that he were not quite so ineligible with regard to fortune. I fear that makes me sound a hypocrite—or worse, an opportunist, for taking advantage of Mr Gary to show Isabel how to go on, without allowing him the advantage of being the first to enjoy the fruits of her increased sophistication.”
    Imogen let her mull over these disquieting considerations before saying, “If you imagine that she may succumb to Lord Kedrington’s charms instead, I should disillusion you on that head immediately.”
    “I never imagined any such thing!” Antonia replied in a lofty tone that kindled a spark in Imogen’s eye. “Kedrington is far too old for Isabel. But I do not see why he cannot make himself useful. He offered to do so.”
    “Did he, indeed!” exclaimed her friend. “That does put another light on ... ah, matters.”
    Antonia glanced at Imogen as she pulled on her gloves and buttoned them, but the older woman merely remarked that Antonia had a small hole in the right-hand glove which ought to be mended before it became any larger, and by the time Antonia had gone for another pair, and Isabel had joined them—rather breathlessly for the unaccustomed effort of having to consider her choice of clothing—she had forgotten the conversation.
    The ride to Windeshiem was a short one, and since the ladies were well wrapped in furs and muffs, it was accomplished in an open carriage. They had scarcely passed the edge of the park bordering Wyckham when the stone walls of Windeshiem Hall rose to view behind their screen of cedars. The road crossed the stream that separated the two estates, then turned into the long drive leading up to the hall, where a warm welcome awaited the visitors.
    The party spent the morning in a tour of the house, Isabel and Octavian Gary in the lead and Mrs Curtiz and Mr Kenyon following sedately behind Antonia and Lord Kedrington. Antonia kept a sharp eye on Isabel, who responded to Mr Gary’s cheerful conversation with a coquetry that appeared so natural as to give her concerned aunt pause.
    At the same time, Antonia was not unaware of her own escort. His lordship looked very much at home in

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