
Read Online Defender by Chris Allen - Free Book Online

Book: Defender by Chris Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Allen
Tags: thriller
uncertainty over the fate of the other SIS agent, Lundt, plenty were only too keen to wipe their hands of the whole mess.
    The unexpected news of Sean Collins' brutal murder had really affected Morgan. He was prepared for death, conditioned to its inherent proximity. But for some reason, this latest addition to the tally of lost friends, hit him hard. Was it a sign of age, or fatigue, resulting from a succession of back to-back missions?
    With final thoughts of his mission, and the face of his dead friend at the forefront of his mind, Morgan dropped into a deeply troubled sleep.


Foreign and Commonwealth Office K ing Charles Street, London

    "You called for me?"
    "Yes. Come in, Gregory, would you," replied a stony Abraham Johnson. Crossing the threshold, Gregory Cornell entered his Acting Director- General's office, nervously patting down his thinning blond hair, ever conscious of his receding hairline. He straightened a poorly-cut grey jacket and dated paisley tie, patting his pockets for the cigarette he knew he could  not smoke.
    Moving out from behind his desk, Johnson made a sweeping gesture and introduced the men who stood forebodingly in the centre of the room. "This is Chief Superintendent Hargreaves of Scotland Yard, and Mr. Blades of MIS. Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Mr. Gregory Cornell. Gregory's area is responsible for Africa and our economic interests there. Been with us - must be, what, twelve years now, Gregory?" Johnson feigned interest, but in doing so, only highlighted his disdain.
    "22, actually," Cornell corrected. He swallowed loudly, and hoped that nobody had noticed.
    Hargreaves and Blades both offered firm, formal handshakes to Cornell's wet fish, as Johnson made the introductions. There were no smiles or pleasantries. The air in the room was decidedly grim. Standing facing them, Cornell felt his heart race, and beads of sweat formed on his brow. Scotland Yard? MIS ? Had he been discovered?
    "Gregory, these gentlemen are here to discuss security arrangements for the visit by the Malfajirian President, Dr. Namakobo."
    "I see. I wasn't aware that Dr. Namakobo's visit had been confirmed, Mr. Johnson." Cornell could scarcely conceal his annoyance. But still, he was wary. His guard was up. He needed to be on the offensive, but mostly, he needed information from these glorified plods. Cornell's division should have had primacy over the visit. He should have been consulted. "Can I expect to be privy to the details now? An arrival time perhaps? A schedule?" he said pointedly.
    "Well, that's what we're here to discuss, Mr. Cornell," said Blades. 'I'm afraid that the security precautions surrounding this particular visit have required that confirmation of the schedule and agenda be kept under wraps, until the last possible moment. Other than Mr. Johnson, it was not possible for us to discuss the matter any further. Even within the Foreign Office."
    "Of course," answered Cornell coldly.
    "And so here we are," added Johnson, back at his desk, eager to proceed. "Gentlemen, if you'd like to be seated. As we have only a matter of hours before Dr. Namakobo arrives here in London, perhaps one of you would be good enough to bring Mr. Co::nell up to speed?"
    "Thank you, Sir," Blades replied. The three men sat opposite Johnson. "Dr. Namakobo will arrive at Heathrow in three hours, at approximately 2100 hours. He will be met on the tarmac by the Foreign Secretary, the Minister for Africa and, of course, the Malfajiri Ambassador."
    As Blades continued with the briefing, Cornell felt as though a knife was being slowly thrust into his heart. He swallowed, and his eyes darted nervously between Johnson and the other two men. How could anything possibly be arranged in time, he thought furiously.
    Then again, with Lundt involved, Cornell felt certain that Dr Namakobo would not leave the United Kingdom alive.


    The howl of the four mighty Rolls-Royce T-56 turboprop engines heralded the passage of an

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