
Read Online Electric by Tawny Stokes - Free Book Online

Book: Electric by Tawny Stokes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tawny Stokes
freaked out about seeing Merlin up close and personal. I could relate. The cambion had an unearthly quality about it, that sent shivers up and down my back. He seemed almost alien in nature. Not of this world. Not for this world.
    After a few more minutes I could feel my body reforming. It was always a strange sensation. Tingles erupted all over, from within and outward. It was like having your foot fall asleep but on the inside out. It felt kind of gross to be honest. It was definitely not pleasant.
    Once the sensation faded, Trevor and I were standing in a darkened corner of Heather's room. We got lucky. The room was empty.
    "Now what?" I asked.
    "Now we wait for her I guess."
    Frowning, I sat on her bed. "I'm kind of disappointed we didn't get to scare the beejesus out of her coming out of the shadows and going all gangsta on her ass."
    Trevor snorted. "Gangsta?"
    "Yeah, check it home slice." I stood and crouched down into my best gangsta pose with downward peace signs and everything. I even gave my most pouty pout face ever.
    He shook his head. "Scary."  He picked up a jar of lotion from what I liked to call Heather's beauty station.  There were so many oils and lotions and bottles of scent, a whole machine could've been lubed up and good to go. He unscrewed the lid and smelled it.
    "Don't." I reached for it and took it from him.
    "Because what if you like her smell? 90% of attraction is based on scent, you know?"
    He scoffed at him. "Believe me, no amount of awesome odor is going to make me think this girl is attractive. She is totally not my type."
    I eyed him. "I didn't know you had a type."
    "Yeah, I like surly, pouty, little bulldogs who smell like vanilla." He reached for me and pulled me close to nuzzle his face into my hair.
    "Aww, you called me a little bulldog. I love those dogs. They are so damn cute."
    "Just like you."
    I craned my neck up to kiss him just as the doorknob turned on the door. Heather was talking beyond it.  I could hear her mouse-like voice that cheese-grated my nerves.  I grabbed Trevor's hand and we dived into the closet.  Luckily it was a walk-in, so we didn't step on anything, even when I closed the door softly behind us.
    She walked into the room chatting on her cell phone, completely oblivious to the intruders watching her through the slats in her closet doors. She was damn lucky, it was just us lying in wait for her and not some deranged serial killer. She'd be a goner for sure.  Depending on what she confessed to me, she still might be a goner.  It would depend on how generous I was feeling.
    "Oh my God, I know right, Clayton is such a skid-mark. I mean as if I'd ever go to prom with him."
    She must've been talking to either Megan or Lauren, her plastic posse BFFs. Sighing, I leaned into Trevor's ear and said, "We could be here awhile. She's a talker."
    Heather turned toward the closet and frowned.
    I clamped a hand over my mouth. Damn it. I might've blown our stealth attack.  Trevor glared at him.  I just shrugged in return.
    "I got to go, Meg. Text me later." With her phone still in her hand, Heather approached the closet.
    I sucked in a breath and waited. Trevor grabbed my hand and squeezed. It was now or never and I wasn’t about to let her go on the offensive.  Counting under my breath, I got to three, then pushed open the closet door.
    Heather stumbled back nearly tripping on a pair of shoes and landing on her ass. Instead I was on her instantly and had her by the arms, turning her and tossing her onto her bed. It might not have been the classiest maneuver but I didn’t want to throw her on the floor or up against the wall.  Too noisy. This way I could sit on her and clamp my hand over her mouth before she could scream bloody murder.
    “Don’t scream.” I leaned down into her face. “Don’t effing scream.”
    Her eyes were wide, but she didn’t look like she was going to freak out. She actually looked kind of angry instead of scared.  Slowly, I took my

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