Editor's Choice Volume I - Slow summer Kisses, Kilts & kraken, Negotiating point

Read Online Editor's Choice Volume I - Slow summer Kisses, Kilts & kraken, Negotiating point by Giordano Adrienne Spencer Pape Cindy Stacey Shannon - Free Book Online

Book: Editor's Choice Volume I - Slow summer Kisses, Kilts & kraken, Negotiating point by Giordano Adrienne Spencer Pape Cindy Stacey Shannon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Giordano Adrienne Spencer Pape Cindy Stacey Shannon
Tags: Contemporain
from the tea tray. “Do you have family? Will they be understanding?”
    Flora shook her head. “I’ve no one. My ma died last year. Mrs. Campbell will turn me off in a heartbeat if she even thinks I might be carrying. Where will I go?”
    “If it comes to that, we’ll think of something.” Alice patted Flora’s hand.
    “Meanwhile, let’s see what we can see, shall we?” Geneva gave Flora her brightest smile. “Sometimes our bodies shut down for a while for any number of reasons. It might not be a baby.” This far along, she’d be able to tell with a physical examination.
    “I haven’t been sick,” Flora said as she took off her high-button shoes and lay back on the bed. “But I don’t feel normal either. Sleepy mostly, and wanting to cry all the time. That’s over Dugall.”
    “It can also be a symptom of pregnancy.” Geneva eased up the girl’s skirts, glad Flora didn’t wear a corset. While Geneva performed the examination, she continued to ask Flora questions about her symptoms, sleeping habits and such. A few minutes later, she stepped back and washed her hands in the adjacent water closet. When she returned, Flora had restored her clothing and was sitting up, waiting for the verdict.
    Geneva nodded. “I don’t know whether to say I’m sorry or congratulations, but you’re definitely with child. Probably around February.”
    Tears slipped down Flora’s cheeks, but she took a deep breath and firmed her chin. “It’s good. I’m glad Dugall left me a babe. I’ll find some way to support us. Thank you.”
    “You’ll come back to Mull with me,” Alice said. “My housekeeper is getting on. She could use someone younger to lend a hand and learn the job.”
    “As long as things are going well, you can work until the last month or thereabouts,” Geneva said, blessing Alice for her compassion. “No heavy lifting, mind you. I’m afraid you will have to talk to Mrs. Campbell.” Unfortunately, the girl’s story was common enough. A woman caught having intercourse out of wedlock was considered a strumpet, while a man would be cheered on. It was ridiculous, of course, but the housekeeper was liable to be entirely set in her ways. Perhaps Rannulf or Magnus could help.
    “I will, Miss Geneva. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect my babe.”
    Geneva helped her down from the high mattress. “I’ll put in a word with the laird. Perhaps he’ll be able to give you some kind of pension, in Dugall’s name.”
    Flora gasped. “Suky MacRae said ye were an angel come to bless us. ’Tis true, every word.” With that, she ran from the room.
    * * *
    “You said what? ” Magnus roared at the doctor who stood in his chamber, looking perfectly calm while he paced—barefoot—up and down his carpet.
    Geneva crossed her arms under her impressive bust line. Her eyes flashed. “I told her I’d speak with you. You can’t really mean to let your housekeeper turn the girl away with no way to make a living for herself and her child.”
    “Of course not. Dugall was a Findlay, for God’s sake. One of my kin.” He’d been a good fisherman and a bright lad. Magnus had entertained high hopes for him, expecting the boy to captain one of the boats in time. “I’ll instruct Mrs. Campbell not to let her go.”
    “That would be a start. Thank you.” Geneva tipped her head. “In the meantime, can I ask to have her assigned to assist Alice and myself? That way I could keep my eye on her and be sure her duties aren’t too taxing.”
    “Were you not already given a ladies’ maid?” Normally one of the servants would immediately be assigned to a guest of any importance. What had Mrs. Campbell been thinking? More than likely it was just a show of support for her sister Edda. Well, Magnus could put a stop to that as well as making sure she didn’t turn off the maid. The castle staff was usually Rannulf’s arena, but Magnus would handle this personally.
    “No.” Geneva shrugged. “Apparently, a mere

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