Edge of Valor

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Book: Edge of Valor by John J. Gobbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: John J. Gobbell
though the shooting has stopped. It’s scary. We need them.”
    â€œWhat for?”
    â€œWho’s going to run the country and prevent a civil war or civil riots? The emperor can’t do it by himself.”
    Ingram nodded.
    Neidemeier waved. “So what we have with us today is a patchwork quilt of Japan’s diplomatic and military staff. We pray their negotiations and commitments are binding. Otherwise, it’s back to . . . God forbid.”
    Ingram thought about all the years at war—the death and horror and fear. Neither he nor anyone else was anxious to go back on the firing line.
    Neidemeier gave a long sigh. “But we were lucky on one score.”
    Ingram’s eyebrows went up. He had to lean in as Neidemeier spoke in a near whisper. “See that general three rows down on the right hand side?”
    Ingram craned his neck to see a bemedaled Japanese general wearing a crisp uniform. His cap rested on a thin briefcase in his lap, and he sat very erect, looking straight ahead. “I see him.”
    â€œGeneral Torashiro Kawabe, deputy to Imperial Army Chief of Staff General Yoshijiro Umezu, the top officer in the entire Japanese army. With Kawabe along, we may have some pulling power.”
    â€œLet’s hope.” As the plane droned on, Ingram suddenly understood that General MacArthur was not just going to just walk into Hirohito’s palace and take over. The peace process was not going to be easy. A lot had to happen: on both sides of the Pacific.
    Hammer walked by counting a fistful of ten-dollar bills.
    â€œYou there,” said Neidemeier, “what’s that?”
    Hammer’s lips drew to a grin. “The Japs tipped us for their lunches. Ten bucks apiece. I have over a hundred and fifty smackers. Gonna give it to Bucky and see—”
    Neidemeier stuck out his hand. “Give it to me.”
    â€œBut Major, the Japs are tipping us. That means . . .”
    â€œPlease,” said Neidemeier. “It’s evidence.”
    Hammer’s fists went to his hips. “Evidence of what?”
    Ingram said, “It’s okay, Hammer. Give it to Bucky.”
    â€œYes, sir.” A relieved Hammer quickly stepped through the cockpit door.
    Major Neidemeier gave Ingram a fierce look.
    Ingram said, “Forget it, Clive.”
    Neidemeier sputtered, “That’s insubordination.”
    â€œForget it. It’ll be something for these guys to tell their grandkids.”
    Neidemeier snorted. “I’ll bet they spend it on women.”
    â€œWomen? Where, Clive? Manila? Tokyo? Those cities are wrecked. They’ll probably lose it in a poker game.” A moment passed as Neidemeier gained control of himself. Ingram flipped to the last page of his orders. “I’ll be damned.”
    He pointed to the signature line.
    â€œYes, Otis DeWitt. He works for General Sutherland.”
    â€œNow I know who sucked me into all this.”
    â€œYou know him?”
    â€œIn a manner of speaking. I see he’s a brigadier now.”
    â€œWhat’s wrong with that?”
    Ingram chuckled. “Otis DeWitt a brigadier general? What’s this world coming to?”
    Neidemeier said, “A little advice. Don’t trifle with General DeWitt. He’ll scour you.”
    â€œHe’s a pussycat.”
    â€œHow can you be so sure?”

    The day continued clear, and Berne gave the crew a course to fly over the South China Sea down Luzon’s west coast. The landscape below them was dotted with extinct volcanoes, and the terrain looked verdant and tropical. By late afternoon they had dropped to five thousand feet and arrived at the entrance to Manila Bay, an enormous natural harbor thirty miles across. Three of the P-51s accelerated ahead while the other three climbed and took station five hundred feet above the C-54. Ingram stood just behind Radcliff; Berne and Hammer were there too, all peering out the

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