Edge of Love
in the sink then sat beside me. I didn’t
look at him as he moved his chair next to mine. He grabbed my face
and kissed me hard, right in front of his family. Then he kissed me
on the head.
    “ Are you okay?”
    I nodded.
    He picked up his fork and started to
eat from the table. His brother didn’t look at him, and Diane kept
her gaze on her husband. To say it was awkward was an
understatement. It felt like another fight could break out at any
    Sean tapped his fork against the glass
then cleared his throat. “I have an announcement to
    I felt my heart spasm in my chest. He
really wanted to do this right now? The timing was completely
    “ This weekend hasn’t gone
as Scarlet and I planned, so we are just going to announce our
news.” He held my hand on top of the table. “I asked Scarlet to
marry me and she said yes. I’m the luckiest guy in the
    Andrew’s eyes lit up with happiness.
“Why didn’t you say something before?” He rose from his chair then
clapped his hands. “One of my boys is finally getting married! This
is wonderful.” Sean stood up and his father embraced him, patting
him on the back. “I’m very happy for you, son.”
    “ Thanks, dad.”
    Andrew came to me and hugged me
tightly. “Now I have a daughter. Well, you already were but now
it’s official.” He pulled away then kissed me on the cheek. “And a
more perfect woman I could never find for my son.”
    I felt my cheeks blush at his words. I
always loved his father. He always made me feel welcomed and
appreciated. “Thank you.”
    He leaned closer to my ear. “When he
starts to drive you insane, just call me. I’ll talk him
    I laughed. “I will definitely take you
up on that offer.” I pulled him to me and hugged him again. Sean
was standing behind his father and our eyes met. He was smiling at
me, pleased that his father was so supportive. When I pulled away,
Diane was standing next to me.
    “ Congratulations,
    I tried to force a smile to my face. I
knew she thought this was a mistake. “Thank you.”
    “ Let me see the ring.” She
grabbed my hand and looked at the diamonds in the band. “It’s
    I turned the ring over. “And it’s
    She gasped at the sight. “How
romantic.” She pulled me in for a hug. I returned her embrace
without as much as heart as I did for her husband. When she pulled
away, she was smiling at me. “We have a lot of planning to
    The idea made me nauseous.
    Mike approached me and I felt my
muscles tense. Sean stared at him with a look of hatred but he kept
his distance. It would be idiotic for Mike to start something right
now. He leaned closer to me. “Are you sure you want to do this? You
can still get out.”
    “ I want him for my whole
    He shook his head. “I can make your
legs shake,” he whispered. “Believe me, I’m twice the man my
brother is.”
    I hated hearing him discuss Sean like
this. I couldn’t stand it. I pulled his ear to my lips. “Then why
did your girlfriend—the love of your life—want to fuck him?
Obviously, you couldn’t satisfy her.” I stepped away and ignored
his look of anger. I slid into Sean’s arms and immediately felt
safe. I was still angry with him from our fight from the evening
before, but I still loved him completely.
    He pressed his lips against my ear.
“Are you sure you want to marry me?” I knew he was referring to his
dysfunctional family.
    “ Yes.”
    “ Are you sure? I come with
a lot of baggage.”
    “ You’re good in
    He laughed. “That’s the only reason
why you’re with me?”
    I shrugged. “It’s a
    “ I’m only that good when
I’m with you.”
    “ Well, yeah,” I said with
a shrug. “I’m amazing, too.”
    He laughed again. “Now look who’s
    “ And I give great
    “ No arguments there,” he
said. “In fact, I could use one after all the bullshit

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