
Read Online Earth by Berengaria Brown - Free Book Online

Book: Earth by Berengaria Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Berengaria Brown
inside his room.
    He stripped out of his boots and uniform, and then roughly pulled the
bedding off his bed, letting it fall to the floor. He heard her gasp but
ignored it. Now was not the time for talking. His dick was so engorged if he
didn’t take her soon, he’d explode. That was one thing he hadn’t understood in
advance. The intensity of his need for his bride. It wasn’t at all like normal
physical attraction. It was an all-consuming need to fuck this one woman. His
woman. No other would ever quench his need again.
    Andreas sat on the side of the bed, legs spread wide. “Suck my cock.
Open your throat as I taught you and swallow me down. Be sure to swallow every
drop of my seed this time.”
    It was all he could do to say the words. His need for her was erasing
her ridiculous language from his brain. The sooner the power appeared the
    Obediently she sat on the floor between his spread thighs and grasped
his shaft in her hand, opening her mouth wide and licking over the head of his
cock. When the head was moist she opened her mouth wider and sucked him a
little deeper, playing around his cock with her tongue.
    It wasn’t enough. His cock was aching to explode but the connection
between them wasn’t strong enough for him. Just having his hands on her skin
didn’t fulfill him.
    Annoyed, he swung his body onto the bed, his arm wrapped around her to
keep her mouth exactly where he wanted it. As soon as he was flat on his back
he braced his feet on the mattress of the bed and pulled her feet up over his
shoulders. Now he could lick her cunt while she sucked his cock and her little
breasts dug her nipples into his skin. That was better. They were connected
skin to skin now.
    He licked along her pussy lips, and behind them all the way to her
rosette, licking, sucking, and nibbling all the flesh until her tight muscle
there opened for him, and her cunt dripped her cream onto his tongue. Only when
he knew she was enjoying herself did he grab a fistful of her hair and say, “Swallow
me all the way down now. Do it.”
    Once again it took her several attempts to overcome her gag reflex, but
then he was sliding down her throat. The tight heat of her was all he needed.
She felt so fucking tight and good gripping his shaft like that. He
tongue-fucked her cunt as he spurted his essence into her mouth, pumping into
her, waiting for her to swallow each mouthful as he did.
    The moment he was finished he pulled her body around on his and slammed
his cock into her cunt, forcing her hips down on him so she could take every
inch of his aching dick. His cock was still half-hard. In a moment he’d be
ready to fuck her again. Meanwhile he pushed her spine down until she was close
enough to him that he could suck her breasts. Damn, she tasted good, still with
the slight tang of the ocean on her skin, but it was overlaid by her own
special scent and flavor. One he knew he could never get enough of.
    Terah’s mind was in a daze. She’d orgasmed from the tongue fucking as she
struggled to deep-throat Andreas. His cock was as big as the rest of him and it
took her a while to swallow him properly. But she could do it, she’d learned
what to do, and he was always very good about arousing her at the same time.
Now her pussy was filled with his cock and she was still breathing hard from
the last orgasm. He appeared to have unlimited sexual energy and the ability to
come again and again. Right now he tugged and pinched her nipples, causing her
to close her eyes with lust as her body heated again from the inside out.
    And then his hands moved to her hips, holding her bruisingly hard, forcing her down on his cock with every thrust so he filled and stretched
her inner core. She loved the way he teased her nipples, so she rolled and
pinched his, watching his face carefully in case he didn’t like her doing it
without being told. But his purple eyes were hooded with lust, and sweat was
already starting to form on his forehead below

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