Earth Blend
that but he said
I could learn on the job. It's not what I want to do, but it's
money and right now, that's what I need.”
    Austin looked at his watch. “I should get
you to the hospital.”
    “ What about your mom?”
    “ I've done all I want to do about that
right now. Come one.” He began walking in the direction of Marcus'
    Julie followed behind him, puzzled by his
attitude change. She planned to find Marcus as soon as she got to
the hospital. She wanted to find out if he had noticed Austin's
mood swings.
    Austin pulled up to the hospital.
    “ So what are you going to do now?” She
asked him.
    “ I don't know yet. I just want to
clear my head for a bit.”
    “ Okay. Try and see your parents' side.
They do love you, please remember that.”
    “ I know,” Austin replied, sighing
    Julie rested a hand on the back of his neck.
“Hang in there. We'll talk later.” She leaned over to kiss him on
his cheek.
    Austin turned to capture her lips with his.
It was gentle and sweet. He rested his forehead on hers. “I need
    “ I know.” She whispered. She gave him
a quick kiss on the forehead and then exited the vehicle. She hated
leaving him like this but was unsure of what to do to help him
deal. Talking to Marcus was second on her list. First was
explaining things to Kathy in the Human Resource department. Kathy
was the woman who hired her. Eli had called the woman and explained
that she had a sick relative. Now it was time to follow up on the
    Julie knocked on Kathy's office door.
    “ Enter.” A voice called from behind
    Julie opened the door and, at first, did not
see anyone. “Hello?”
    “ I'm here.” Kathy said, popping up
from underneath her desk. The curly haired Human Resource worker
greeted Julie with a smile as she sat back down in her chair. She
blew at a brunette curl that settled in front of her face. “I
dropped my pen. How are you? Doctor Elsworth said you had to take
care of a sick relative. Is everything okay?”
    Julie smiled. “Yes, everything is fine now.
My Uncle was sick and needed someone to take care of him for a few
days. He is much better now. I'm sorry for having missed work.”
    “ Oh, sweetie, it's fine. I just didn't
want to lose you. It is so hard to keep good volunteers. Most of
them leave for paying positions.”
    “ Um, yeah, about that. I did get
another job, mostly nights and weekends. I don't think it will
interfere with my work here.”
    “ We'll work around it. As long as you
don't leave all together, I'm fine with that.”
    “ Okay, then we are good?”
    “ We're good. Welcome back and I'm glad
your Uncle is better.”
    “ Thanks Kathy. I'll see you around.”
Julie left to go change and see where her schedule would place her
    Julie changed into her old-fashioned
candy-striper uniform that had been assigned to her. Her schedule
stationed her on Joy's floor. Joy was a nurse who had befriended
her on her first day. Julie prepared herself by going over the lie
in her head.
    Once out on the floor she checked in with
Nurse Hacher, the head nurse. The elderly woman was happy to see
her and quickly put her to work.
    During one of the tasks she was performing,
she ran into Joy who exclaimed, “There you are! I was worried we
scared you off. Is everything okay?”
    Julie nodded and explained her story to the
petite brunette.
    Joy hugged her and told her she was glad all
was well now. “We'll catch up later.” She called as she continued
on her rounds.
    Julie took a few steps before hearing a
familiar voice.
    “ I'm not buying it.”
    She turned to see Neal, an orderly at the
hospital. Neal was Austin's best friend. Julie attended a carnival
with him and his sister, Annie, along with Austin and a bunch of
their other friends. She put her hand on her hip and asked, “Not
buying what, Neal?”
    “ Your story about where you were and
    Neal could be sweet at times but more often
than not, he was annoying.
    “ And

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