Earth Angels

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Book: Earth Angels by Bobby Hutchinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobby Hutchinson
the small pearl fastenings of her soaked chemise. As she breathed a long sigh, he stripped off her pantaloons, garters and stockings in one efficient movement.
    Then his own wet clothing lay beside hers on the rug. In the flickering lamplight, her breath caught as she stared at the strong, clear-cut beauty of his body. Tall and muscular, he was everything she’d ever fantasized her lover might be.
    “Oh, Joseph.” She slid hesitant fingers through the silky hair on his chest. He was holding her close, skin to skin, and she could hardly breathe for the urgent sensations in her body.
    “I love you, Emma.”
    His quiet, earnest words wrapped around her heart and soul.
    He slid his hand under her thighs and swept her into his arms. Without his glasses he misjudged the doorway and she banged her head a little, but she hardly felt it.
    He put her down on the soft feather bed in her dark bedroom. She felt him lie down at her side, his weight on one elbow, his free hand gliding down her body as if he were memorizing, by touch alone, the shape and feel of her.
    She rested her hand on his chest and felt his wildly beating heart. Her own was pounding so hard she trembled. Everywhere his fingers stroked, her skin seemed to catch fire.
    “You are ravishing, Emma.” His voice was rough, raw-edged, filled with desire, and it thrilled her. “So very, very, lovely……”
    She could feel his rapid breathing in her skin, and then at last he kissed her, long, passionately, while his hands roamed ceaselessly across her breasts. He teased her aching nipples, then his hand moved with maddening slowness down her abdomen, gently easing her thighs apart, sliding his fingers inside her.
    She could feel his manhood, hot, throbbing, urgent, pressed against her thigh, and for a moment she stiffened, shy and frightened. She wasn’t certain exactly what came next.
    “You’re quite certain you want to do this, my darling?”
    She nodded, her hair imprisoned beneath his shoulder. The query was gentle, allowing her to reconfirm all she felt and wanted—or, if she desired, to change her mind.
    “I’m certain, Joseph.”
    He took her nipple in his mouth, his tongue and teeth making her cry out with pleasure and frustration. His fingers stroked her, causing her to move involuntarily, thrusting up against the delicious pressure of his hand. Desperate need built in her, seeking a fulfillment she hadn’t known existed.
    Then she arched and screamed his name, and groaning, he straddled her. With one long, sure movement they were joined. The shock of his entry coming on the crest of such pleasure made her tense and cry out again, but the fierce pain lasted only a moment.
    Then her body opened, hungry for him. The ecstasy returned, and she learned his capacity for gentleness as well as the ferocity of his strength.
    When at last she lay, sated and limp, marveling at the power of this exquisite dance and how wonderfully talented he was at it, she realized that she could echo his own words back to him. “I love you too, Joseph.” Then she sighed, utterly content, as happy as she’d ever been in her entire life.
    Joseph smiled as he began to prepare his breakfast. He was eating much more frequently now and taking better care of himself. And he had wonderful, irresistible Emma to thank for that.
    He’d made love to other women, of course, before Emma. He was a young, virile man, and opportunities as an intern were always there. He’d just never made love to the same woman repeatedly. For him, lovemaking had been a matter of physical release, and it held no similarity at all to what he shared with Emma.
    She was like an opiate. The more time he spent with her, the more he longed to spend. In the enchanted days that had followed their first magical time together, all Joseph could thing of was the curve of her back, her delicate throat. He listened to patient’s symptoms and thought of Emma. Intoxicated with her, he couldn’t stop smiling at

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