Eagle River

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Book: Eagle River by Isabelle Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabelle Kane
through his half opened window. The hatch popped open with a hiss and a click. Silently, she hurled the duffel bag into the trunk and firmly pressed it closed. She opened the passenger side door and climbed in.
    “Let’s get out of here.”
    “I still don’t understand why we have to leave so early,” Kjersten commented.
    “Why? You hoping to see Odgers again?” he demanded suspiciously.
    “No. Why can’t you let that go? You’re the one with the hang up here. Not me. Fine. Let’s just get out of here. I’m so done with you right now.” The aftermath of their sexual interlude hung heavy between them. “You were the one who brought up that angry sex thing. I just went along with it. So, I totally don’t understand why you got so pissed off.  If you can’t handle it, don’t bring it up. I’m so done with you right now.”
    For the briefest moment, a look of sheer panic flashed over Cam’s handsome features. I don’t want to be alone. Not again. Then, the mask came up again and the smooth charmer attempted to regain control of the situation. “Don’t look at me like that, baby. We had a fight.” He reached out and took her hand. “You mean so much to me. I get jealous. Sure, it turned me on, but it also made me crazy. We have a good thing going here, you know that, don’t you? You’re my dream girl. I just couldn’t handle it that you were panting after that Odgers kid.”
    She gripped the car door handle. “I wasn’t panting after him. I was at the fair with you, but if you’re going to start obsessing about that again, I’ll find another ride back to Madison.”
    “Kjersten, don’t be like this. Just stay in the car. I didn’t mean it. You know that.” Cam’s voice grew soft and vulnerable. “Kristy, you know I care about you. Knowing you were with that guy... I freaked out because you mean so much to me.”
    She hesitated.
    Cam could see her lip trembling and pressed his advantage. “You know I need you, baby. We need each other.”
    He watched as she swallowed hard. He could see the tears building up in her eyes. Cam reached over then and drew her to him. He held her close and stoked her long hair tenderly. “You know we have something special here. I just don’t want to lose you.”
    Kjersten began to sob and buried her face against his shoulder.
    “Come on, babe. We’re okay. You know how it is, the two of us against the world. Come on now. Get it together. We should get out of here before your family wakes up.” Sensing that tide was now going his way, he disengaged himself from Kjersten.
    Slowly, she reached to engage her seat belt.
    Cam revved the engine and then smoothly slipped into gear. “Let’s put this behind us. I’m glad to be getting an early start this morning. Two days in this town is more than enough... I just gotta make one stop over at the diner.”
    “I don’t want to stop anywhere right now, Cam. Let’s just get going.”
    “You just wait in the car. I promised Sal I’d drop by the bar today, and drop off an autographed Coyotes’ football, but I don’t want to wait around until the afternoon either. So, I thought I’d drop the football off with Gene at the diner.”
    “That’s nice of you,” she said and nodded, in agreement.
    “Sal and Gene were good to me growing up.”
    Moments later, they pulled up in front of Green Eggs N’ Ham, Gene’s diner, which sat directly across the street from the Court’n House, Sal’s Bar. The arrangement suited the two business owners well as they were best friends.
    “I’ll be just a minute.” Leaving the car idling in front of the diner, he made his way up to the door. He swung the glass door wide, accompanied by the timpani of sled bells that announced his arrival. Cam found them annoyingly loud and cheerful for so early in the morning. Inside, the diner was still with that Sunday morning, small town peacefulness just before the morning after church rush. The pleasant aroma of dark, rich coffee hung in

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