Duty from Ashes

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Book: Duty from Ashes by Sam Schal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Schal
Tags: Science-Fiction
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Ashlyn said. “But, before I explain why, I want to know what’s bothering you, all of you.” She motioned to include Adamson and Talbot who had been preparing to leave.
    “You mean other than wanting to take a two particular officers who have more attitude than common sense outside to teach them a lesson or two?” Adamson’s disgust roughened her voice and Ash fought the urge to smile.
    “Not to mention a certain sergeant who ought to know better,” Talbot added.
    “Luce?” Now she looked at her XO.
    “I’ll admit that Sergeant Tutola surprised me. He’s been with the battalion for the last eighteen months. I’ve not served directly with him, but I haven’t heard anything to raise any red flags where he’s concerned. But I promise I will be taking a very close look at his record before the day is out.” As she spoke, her fingers flew across the virtual keyboard, typing in a series of commands.
    “He’s a paper pusher and pretty damned good at it,” Talbot said. “But that’s about it. I’m not sure he knows the butt from the barrel of his weapon.”
    Ashlyn ducked her head to hide her smile. It was clear Talbot approved of the sergeant’s organizational skills but it was just as clear he had little use for the sergeant as a Devil Dog. That, in and of itself, spoke volumes.
    “I wouldn’t want him on the front line, ma’am, but he’d be good as part of the HQ Company.”
    The hint of humor in Talbot’s eyes didn’t fool Ashlyn one bit. She could read in his expression what he really meant. His unspoken recommendation was to transfer the sergeant out of the battalion, if not the division. But Talbot wasn’t above teasing her a little by suggesting the man be assigned to her staff. Well, two could play that game.
    “Very well, Loco.” She let a slow smile touch her lips as his eyes narrowed at her use of his call sign. “I’ll leave it to you to explain to both our division CO as well as General Okafor why I’m on the front lines and you are in command of HQ Company.”
    Both Ortega and Adamson burst out laughing as the master gunnery sergeant paled and held his hands up in surrender.
    “Not a chance, ma’am.”
    “Then, Luce, it looks like you need to find a reason to transfer the good sergeant out of the battalion. Talk to my mother’s aide to see if the transfer should be out of the division as well. I don’t want to put a black mark on the man’s record if we don’t need to. But I will not have our people endangered by having him on the line. Of course, that means you’ll need to find us a replacement and quickly.”
    “I should have it done by morning,” she promised.
    “Good. Now, what can you tell me about the two officers in question?”
    “Both are new to the battalion. They were transferred in not long before you returned to us. I know Pawlak had at least vague concerns about them. But, as long as we weren’t having to go in force into battle, he didn’t have reason to transfer them out,” Ortega replied.
    Ashlyn frowned, wishing she’d had more time to discuss battalion personnel with Pawlak before he’d shipped out to his new assignment.
    “All right. Here’s what we’re going to do. Put Gamma and Delta Companies through their paces this afternoon, Luce. I have no doubt that you’ll get objections, especially after what we heard in the briefing. I don’t care. I want you to push them, especially the COs and XOs. Put them through advanced boarding and ground assault sims. Add in that sim we worked on last week. Let’s see how they respond when the ship’s CO and senior officers are taken out of the mix and the ship is still in the middle of a battle. Then I want their companies, led by the officers and non-coms, to do the O-Course at the Academy. Let’s see what their individual and group scores are. I want you supervising it all. Brief me on the results in the morning over breakfast.”
    “I understand, Ash, but that’s not going to

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