Dusted to Death

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Book: Dusted to Death by Barbara Colley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Colley
value their jobs too much to tell. The beauty of it is that without her real name or her Social Security number, there’s no way King can find out anything about who she really is.”
    At that moment, a noise like a dog barking came from Benny’s pants pocket. “Oops, speaking of the boss lady, I’ve got to run.” At the look on Charlotte’s face, he laughed. “The barking dog ring tone is an inside joke between Angel and me.” He got to his feet, then helped Charlotte up off the porch floor. “I’ll alert Security about Bruce King, but if you see him coming, go the other way. Don’t talk to him, but report him to either Toby or one of the Security crew.”
    Again, the barking noise came from Benny’s pocket. “Gotta run now, but I’ll talk to you later.” He tossed his paper plate into the trash can and disappeared inside the house.
    With a sigh, Charlotte dropped her paper plate and empty bottle into the trash, and she also headed back inside. The moment she entered the kitchen, she stopped in her tracks. Across the room, trapped in the corner by Angel’s manager, Simon Clark, was Nick Franklin. Since earlier she’d witnessed Nick being escorted off the property with her own two eyes, she couldn’t help wondering why he was back. How had he gotten past the security guards?
    Not your problem. None of your business.
    Doesn’t matter , she silently argued with the irritating voice in her head. No one ever pays attention to the maid anyway .
    Just keep walking, Charlotte .
    For once, Charlotte decided to listen to the irritating voice, but even from clear across the room, there was no way she could miss the furious look on Simon’s face, nor his aggressive stance. So, how many more people was Nick going to tick off before someone finally put him off the property permanently?
    Charlotte was almost to the other door when out of the corner of her eye she saw Simon hold up a sheaf of papers and wave them in Nick’s face.
    “I’ve warned you before to stop bringing in this trash,” Simon ranted, his voice growing louder with each word. Then, as if to emphasize his words, Simon stepped over to a nearby garbage can, lifted the lid, and shoved the papers inside. Immediately whirling back around to face Nick, he pointed an imperious forefinger at him. “Your little stunt this morning cost half a day of shooting. If I ever— ever catch you bringing Angel any more scripts, I’ll make you wish you’d never been born.” Then he yelled, “Security! I need someone from Security!”
    Charlotte hurried through the door and into the dining area, where she was met by two security guards that rushed past her. “Oh, brother,” she muttered. What was it going to take for Nick to get the message?

Chapter 4
    T hanks to Nick and Angel’s fight, shooting had been delayed, so it was almost six that evening before Dalton finally told Charlotte that she could leave. Gossip had it that Angel had been too distraught to shoot at the scheduled time and had needed some “alone time” to rid herself of all the bad vibes. Personally, Charlotte thought it was all a bunch of hooey. For Pete’s sake, the woman was supposed to be an actress, wasn’t she?
    Charlotte gathered her stuff from the kitchen pantry and headed for the front door. The moment she stepped out onto Bitsy’s front porch, a dark-haired woman dressed in a Lagniappe Security uniform approached her. Though she’d never really thought about it, Charlotte hadn’t realized that Lagniappe hired women as well as men to be security guards, especially women who looked like this one.
    The young woman was in her early-to-mid thirties, just a bit taller than Charlotte, and probably didn’t weigh over 120 soaking wet. But even aside from her size, she had the face of an angel and didn’t look tough enough to hurt a fly. Still, if there was one thing that Charlotte had learned over the years, looks could be deceiving.
    “Ms. LaRue?” the woman said.

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