Driving Her Crazy

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Book: Driving Her Crazy by Amy Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Andrews
Tags: Romance
annihilating his coronary-bypass plate with gusto. But it smelled so damn good it was hard to concentrate on anything else. Add to that his naked chest and it was a regular double feature. She tried to follow the news programme but what was going on in her peripheral vision was much more interesting.
    After a while, though, she became aware of something else. Kent, eating with one hand, gently massaging his injured ankle with the other. He seemed engrossed alternately in his meal and the television so she didn’t think he was even aware he was doing it.
    She slid surreptitious looks his way. The ankle looked pretty smashed up and the top of his foot had a chunk missing, a smooth shiny piece of bright pink skin lay over top as if it had been grafted. He looked her way and caught her watching.
    She held his gaze. ‘Does it hurt?’ she asked.
    Kent frowned for a moment, wondering what she was talking about, then realised he was rubbing his ankle. He’d overdone it slightly with the run and it was suffering a little this morning.
    Normally he would have told her to mind her business but her simple enquiry caught him off guard. Too often people asked him what had happened, pried and pushed for all the gory details.
    But not Sadie Bliss.
    She’d simply asked him if it hurt.
    He looked down at the foot he’d come so close to losing on several occasions, his fingers massaging the ridged scar tissue, the dips and planes of the deformed joint. ‘It aches sometimes.’ He shrugged. ‘It’s just habit really.’
    Sadie nodded. Weren’t they all just creatures of habit?

    ‘So, where to today?’ Sadie asked as she vaulted up into the passenger seat an hour later.
    The roads, now they were hitting the outback proper, tended to be long stretches of straight with very few curves or bends so she figured she was safe to take the passenger seat again.
    ‘Mt Isa,’ Kent said as he pulled out of the hotel car park. ‘It’s about thirteen hours. That’ll leave only a nine-ish-hour drive tomorrow to Borroloola.’
    Sadie nodded. ‘I’ll give Leo a ring from the hotel tonight and let him know to expect us.’
    Kent quirked an eyebrow. ‘Leo?’
    Sadie mentally chastised herself for the slip. But she smiled at Kent calmly and said, ‘Mr Pinto.’
    Kent wasn’t buying it. ‘Leo’s very...familiar,’ he pushed. ‘I hear he’s only Leo to his friends.’
    Sadie looked out of the window as they left the last of Cunnamulla behind. ‘Is he?’
    Kent considered her deliberate evasion, intrigued despite himself. Which was just as well. Seeing that thong last night had tripped some kind of switch in his head. And he didn’t like where it was taking him. Maybe the Pinto/Bliss conundrum would give him something else to think about other than Sadie oozing curves and sex all over the passenger seat.
    ‘Thirteen hours is a long time to stay silent, Sadie Bliss. I bet you can’t even manage two.’
    Sadie looked back at him, ignoring his deliberate baiting. ‘Why do you say my name like that?’ she diverted.
    ‘What? Sadie Bliss?’
    She listened as he said it again, rolling it around his tongue like a particularly delicious morsel. She imagined what that tongue could do to certain parts of her anatomy and muscles deep in her belly went into free fall.
    He shrugged. ‘Sensational byline. Very rockstar. Is it real?’
    Sadie rolled her eyes at the familiarity of the question. ‘Yes. Just like my boobs and my lips it’s one hundred per cent real.’
    Kent flicked a glance at her. She was glaring at him with exasperation. ‘Okay, okay,’ he said because, no matter what, there wasn’t one iota of that conversation he was going anywhere near.

    Sadie deliberately ticked down the minutes until two hours were up before turning to Kent and yanking on his ear bud.
    ‘Let’s make a deal,’ she said.
    Kent raised an eyebrow. ‘Bet that was the longest two hours of your life.’
    ‘Nope. Two minutes in a bathroom with a mutant

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