
Read Online Dreamless by Josephine Angelini - Free Book Online

Book: Dreamless by Josephine Angelini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josephine Angelini
Tags: english eBooks
would have assumed Zach was watching her because he had a crush on her, but that time was long gone. Lately, it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with her.
    Helen won her race, then she cheered while Claire finished one of her own before they finally met up by the triple-jump sand strip.
    “So what happened?” Claire puffed, still winded from running.
    “I saw . . .” Helen broke off. “Let’s go over there,” she continued, pointing to an empty expanse of field at the edge of the track. There were a lot of people milling around, and Zach was standing a bit too close.
    By this point, Helen was nearly bursting to tell Claire what she had seen. While they walked she whispered under her breath, “I saw a person. A living person.”
    “But, I thought you were the only one who can go down there in your body—not just as a spirit.”
    “Me too! But last night there was this boy. Well, not a boy . I mean he was ginormous. A guy, around our age, I guess.”
    “What was he doing down there?” Claire asked. She didn’t sound convinced that Helen had really seen someone.
    “Getting his ass handed to him by a harpy?” Helen said. “But the night before last, he pulled me out of the quicksand. One of his arms is all shiny, like it’s covered in gold.” Claire looked at her dubiously, and Helen realized just how nuts she sounded. “Do you think I’m going crazy? Sounds crazy, right? And it’s not even supposed to be possible.”
    “Do you mind?” Claire said suddenly. She glared over Helen’s shoulder at Zach, who was following them. “Private conversation here.”
    Zach shrugged, but he didn’t walk away. Claire took his defiance as a challenge. She yelled at him to go away in her most authoritative voice, but he wouldn’t budge. Eventually, she had to take Helen’s hand and steer her toward the edge of the open field where the woods began. Zach couldn’t very well follow them without Claire causing a scene about it, but he didn’t turn away, either. He just kept staring at them as Claire dragged Helen into the scrub.
    “Is this necessary?” Helen asked as she straddled a scratchy bush and untangled the end of her braid from the brittle, lichen-covered branch of a small birch tree.
    “Zach’s been acting really weird lately, and I just don’t want him to see us,” Claire said with narrowed eyes.
    “You mean he didn’t go away when you ordered him to, and you dragged me in here because you don’t want him to win,” Helen corrected with a chuckle.
    “That too. Now tell me exactly what happened,” Claire urged, but they were interrupted again, this time by the sound of rustling leaves. It came from deeper inside the woods.
    A large man stepped out of the undergrowth. Helen shoved Claire behind her and stepped toward the intruder, ready for a fight.
    “Don’t you knuckleheads know that some seriously sketchy men hang out in the woods around high school track meets?” the blond giant said testily.
    “Hector!” Helen gasped with relief and jumped into his open arms.
    “What’s up, cuz?” he said with a laugh and hugged her tight. Claire joined them and gave Hector a big squeeze before she pulled back and punched him on the chest.
    “What are you doing here?” Claire demanded disapprovingly. “It’s too dangerous.”
    “Relax, Five-Two,” Hector said as he broke eye contact and looked down, the smile on his face fading fast. “I spoke to Aunt Noel this morning. She told me none of the family would be here.”
    “They aren’t, and we’re really glad to see you,” Helen said quickly, giving Claire a little pinch for being so insensitive.
    “Of course we’re glad to see you!” Claire exclaimed as she rubbed her pinched arm. “I didn’t mean it like that, Hector, you know that. How’ve you been?”
    “Not important,” he said with a shake of his head. “I want to know how you are. And how Luke is doing after last week,” he asked in a low voice.
    Helen tried not to flinch,

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