Dream Lover

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Book: Dream Lover by Nicola Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Peterson
Tags: Romance, Love Story, nicola peterson, dream lover
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But the third time she climaxed he couldn’t fight the strong pull deep inside her body, which took him, head long into his own breathtaking release.
    When she had refused to discuss what had happened between them he had thought it was because he hadn’t been in her bed when she woke the next morning and she was either disappointed or angry or both. He would have there only for the fact he had got up to use the bathroom, when he came back she had spread out across the bed and he couldn’t get back in beside her without disturbing her. Then he thought maybe she was embarrassed because she had acted out of character. Or maybe it hadn’t been such a wonderful experience for her and she just really did want to forget it.
    But good or bad everyone remembered the first time they made love, with the possible exception of Quinn Morgan.

    Quinn sat down at her desk with a despondent sigh she was dog-tired even though she had spent the past five days doing nothing at all. It was hardly surprising she was so tired, she was not sleeping properly and when she did manage to sleep her dreams were full of Maxwell Cordell. She scowled and tried to work out why she should be having such erotic dreams about him. He wasn’t the first man she had met she thought handsome, so why did she keep having the same dream over and over. Not that she ever let Maxwell Cordell have the slightest inkling she found him attractive, the man was an arrogant, conceited, bully and the last thing she would let him know was that she agreed with every woman who saw him he was the most handsome specimen of a male that walked.
    But heaven help the woman who fell in love with him she often found herself thinking.
    During her time off recuperating Quinn’s elder brother, Dan called to see her one evening. Not wanting to worry her family unduly she had avoided telling them about the attack, knowing they would over react, especially her two brothers.
    Just as she expected when Dan saw the bruises on her face he immediately thought Maxwell Cordell was responsible and it took a great amount of time to convince him it wasn’t him.
    ‘If he so much as looks at you the wrong way, I’ll see he never does again!’ Dan had warned her. ‘The man sounds like a bully I really don’t understand why you are still working for him,’ he complained to her.
    ‘Because it won’t be for much longer, once Paul is back at work I will be going back to my own job,’ she argued with him. Regretting not for the first time she had ever told her family about Maxwell and his bad temper.
    During the first days back at work the rumours spread about Giles’s attack on Quinn; and every so often a little more spice was added to the story until it was out of all proportion. The latest version was he had beaten her unconscious and was only saved from being murdered by the timely intervention of Maxwell! After yet another sympathetic look followed by, ‘ you are so brave to come back to work, are you sure you’re ready? ’ Quinn went so see Maxwell.
    ‘Have you heard the rumours about my attack?’ she asked him a mix of concern and annoyance crossing her beautiful face.
    He shook his head, ‘No, people don’t tend to tell me gossip, why what is it?’ He asked concerned, he did not like rumours they were usually wrong.
    Quickly she told him the latest version of the truth, ‘Then of course there’s the part where you beat Giles so badly he was hospitalised and needed stitches!’ she finished horrified at the thought of such brutality.
    ‘No, actually that bit is true,’ he said with no hint of regret.
    Quinn’s eyes widened in alarm, ‘You didn’t!’ she gasped.
    ‘Yes I bloody did, he got exactly what he deserved. Besides, if anyone is going to hit my p.a. it will be me,’ he added with a smile. ‘Don’t worry about the rumours; I’ll make sure everyone knows the truth.’ He could see she was concerned about him having hit Giles, ‘Don’t worry

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