Dragon's Pride: BBW Paranormal Dragon Romance

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Book: Dragon's Pride: BBW Paranormal Dragon Romance by Ruby Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruby Glass
least, and it was a pretty damn convincing sight. Every time I doubted it, I just glanced up to the ceiling and looked at the mark the blaze had left there. Even with the evidence, I had to be crazy to think it was true.
    My plan of taking him to his parents had backfired. They wouldn’t be the concerned adults I had imagined when I’d suggested it. I doubted they were going to get him the help I’d thought he needed.
    If I was to believe what I’d seen, we were heading straight into a dragons’ lair. And these weren’t going to be friendly dragons.
    The drive here had done nothing to calm my nerves. Even seeing Cerul leave his house gave me no happiness. Staring up at a tiny window now, I tried to settle my heartbeat.
    “It’s okay,” Cerul said. “I used to sneak in through this window all the time. It’s the only one that’s not alarmed.”
    “This is a little different. You said your parents never wanted to speak to you again.”
    “I was going to wait until my mother’s next birthday. With all the attention on her, it’s the one time in a year that she’s guaranteed to be in a good mood. I can’t wait that long, though. I need to talk to her now. If I see her in person, maybe I can convince her to give me my abilities back.”
    I looked at the window, wondering if I’d even fit through it. “Give me a boost,” I said, hoping I’d come across less shaky than I felt.
    He hooked his hands together and I stepped into them. My pussy clenched, remembering the other things he’d done with those hands just a few hours before. Why couldn’t we be back in his bed now? Why did we have to be on this suicide mission to his parents’ home?
    With his help, I managed to get onto the windowsill. The glass opened outwards with a creak and I stumbled, off balance. I shouldn’t look down. If I could just get inside, I’d be fine. All I had to do was jump down…
    “Go, Kale!”
    Closing my eyes, I made the leap. “Ow!” I came down hard, but nothing broke the way I’d almost feared. I was inside the mansion, some kind of hallway from the looks of it. A moment later Cerul was there behind me, smiling as if this was an everyday occurrence.
    “Never would’ve pegged you for being scared of heights,” he said.
    “I’m not!” I covered my eyes again, still slightly dizzy.
    “Okay, veggie girl.” His arm circled around my back, comforting me – even if I didn’t need it. “We’re going to go through to my parents’ bedroom. You just follow me, okay? You’re here for moral support. I don’t actually want them to see you.”
    Moral support? As in, I had basically come here for nothing? Yeah, that was exactly what I wanted to hear. If these people had hurt my man, I wanted to mess them up. I tried not to grumble as I followed Cerul through the winding halls.
    It was hard to stay angry as we walked. I kept stopping to gawk at my surroundings. This place was like an art museum. The walls were covered floor to ceiling in paintings that even I could tell were famous. All of the signatures were names that sounded vaguely familiar, and I had never been interested in art. Chandeliers hung every few feet, diamonds gleaming with bright light in the middle. The hallway went on as far as my eye could see, and I knew that this was only a fraction of the mansion’s actual size.
    Cerul had told me his family was well-off, but this was something else. What was it he’d said about his aunt? That she had unlimited money? I supposed this was what someone might do with unlimited funds. Hard to believe a man from this family could be as crazy as Cerul was. I paused and reminded myself that I couldn’t be sure anymore. That maybe he really was a dragon.
    When we reached the end of the hall, I glanced at Cerul. Surely we had to be near the master bedroom by now. Shaking his head, he pointed a finger at a staircase. “We have to take the skywalk,” he

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