Dragon's Pride: BBW Paranormal Dragon Romance

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Book: Dragon's Pride: BBW Paranormal Dragon Romance by Ruby Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruby Glass
“Okay. Umm… if you really are a dragon shifter, then why don’t you… shift… into a dragon? Then I’d believe you.”
    “I can’t.”
    As if everything else that night wasn’t bad enough, my mother had seen the display. She smiled, seeming oddly satisfied by what had happened. Then, saying I couldn’t be trusted with my powers, she went into my mind and sliced them away. The pain still throbbed within me, a dull ache that wouldn’t go away no matter what I did.
    I was already in deep enough that I figured I might as well give Kale a brief explanation. It didn’t seem to convince her at all, though.
    “That’s what I research every day,” I said, gesturing to the books stacked on my desk. “I need to figure out a way to regain my true form. I won’t be happy until I can shift again.”
    She looked around, anywhere but at me. Her lips tightened and her eyebrows dug into a frown. “All right. If what you need is to shift again, and the only people who can allow you to do that are your parents, then maybe we should go see them.”
    “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
    “It’s the only way, Cerul. You just said you won’t be happy without shifting.”
    “And you won’t believe me until you see me shift.” I could see she was still skeptical. I couldn’t blame her – it was why I hadn’t wanted to tell her at all. “They’ll just say no, and you’ll still think I’m nuts.”
    Crossing the room, she picked up one of the books. It was a medieval tome that had cost a small fortune. Considering that my funds were limited now, I had spent more on the books than I would’ve liked.
    “Trust me, Kale. I’m going to find the answers in one of these books. I haven’t figured out how my mother took away my abilities yet, but I know it’s got to be in one of them. So much dragon lore is in here. Once I find out, I’ll know how to get my abilities back.”
    My mother might have used a spell or an incantation. With my freshly broken heart, I hadn’t had the presence of mind to pay attention. I had regretted that innumerable times over the past months.
    “Why don’t we talk to your aunt?” Kale asked gently. “If anyone can help you, maybe she can.”
    “She’s tried. She can’t do anything.”
    “I think it would be a good idea for us to talk to her again, though. The two of us. You can tell her about this dragon idea…”
    Now I understood where Kale was going with this. “And she can have me shipped off to the mental hospital?” I laughed at the thought. “You don’t understand, vegetable girl. Jersey is a dragon, too. My whole family is. She knows I’m not crazy.”
    My emotions were out of control. I threw my head back and opened my mouth, hoping this would work. It might be the only thing that could convince Kale that what I was saying was the truth.
    Fire shot at the ceiling. The blast only lasted for a second, but it was long and red hot. A wisp of smoke lingered after the fire was gone, and a small black mark stayed on the white paint even after that.
    “I’m a dragon,” I told Kale once again. “Do you believe me now?”
    Her hands at her heart, she took a step back. I knew she was trying to decide if she could believe what she had just seen. It was difficult for humans to take in, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if she had just walked away. Disappointed… maybe heartbroken… but not surprised.
    Finally, looking at me timidly, she nodded.
    “And it might not be such a bad idea for us to go see my parents.”

    Either Cerul was crazy, or I was. The more I thought about it, the more I leaned towards it being me. Anyone could joke around about having supernatural powers. At least he was sane enough not to pretend he could actually use them.
    Me, though? I had actually seen the man breathe fire – just like dragons were supposed to do. I had thought I’d seen it, at

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