Dragon's Lair

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Book: Dragon's Lair by Denise Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Denise Lynn
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answer didn’t meet with his approval. She didn’t care. Right now, gaining his approval was the least of her concerns.
    She took another step away from him. “Where…” She swallowed again, trying to calm her voice. “Where were you yesterday?”
    â€œYesterday?” He moved toward her, slowly, as if stalking prey.
    â€œYou heard me.” Again, she inched away.
    â€œHere.” Again, he followed. “Why?”
    â€œAll day?”
    â€œYes.” He stared at her intently as she took yet one more step backward. “I’ve been here all week.”
    She narrowed her eyes. “What about everyone else?”
    Sean approached, stopping at her side. A frown of confusion marred his forehead. “Alexia, we’re trying to open Dragon’s Lair. Everyone has been right here.”
    Her brother-in-law’s voice was steady and seemed sincere. She longed to believe him, but before she could swallow her still-growing fear, Braeden moved quickly and grasped her wrist. He pulled her away from Sean and headed toward the elevator with her in tow. “We need to talk.”
    â€œWe’ve talked enough. There’s nothing else to say.” Alexia tried tugging her arm away. “I think I’d rather just stay here right now.” Until she was certain he had nothing to do with her town house or the thugs after her, the last thing she wanted to do was be alone with him. “Let me go.”
    Sean stepped in front of them, halting their progress. “Braeden, you heard her. Let her go.”
    Confused by his action, it took Alexia a minute to realize Sean was doing what he always did—protectingsomeone he deemed weaker. Back in college, she’d witnessed this behavior from him many times. But why would he think it necessary to come between her and Braeden?
    â€œBack off, Sean.”
    Alexia’s eyes widened at the deep, sinister tone of Braeden’s warning. His words echoed in the cavernous garage, making them sound even more deadly, but Sean barely flinched.
    â€œShe’s obviously spooked by something and you’re doing nothing to put her at ease. Let me show her to a room where she can rest while you calm down. Then you can talk.”
    Alexia didn’t argue. She welcomed the idea of having time to sort things out. Before she could take Sean up on his idea, Cameron’s voice broke the deafening silence that had fallen between the brothers.
    â€œBraeden, you around?”
    Still glaring at Sean, Braeden released her, then slid his cell phone out of his pocket and flipped it open. “Yes, I’m here.”
    â€œChecked up on your wife lately?”
    Obviously Cameron had no idea she was at the Lair.
    â€œSeems her town house was blown up—the authorities think it was arson. They haven’t found any bodies and can’t seem to find her, either. Did you want to take a run up there—”
    Alexia cut him off. “No need, Cam.”
    Braeden answered, “Yes, it’s her.”
    â€œAh. Then I won’t waste your time.” Braeden’s twin brother paused a moment before adding, “We do still need to discuss the chief-of-security position.”
    â€œI’ll be up later.” Braeden’s glare turned toward her as he snapped the phone closed. “Nothing else to say?”
    â€œNo.” She shrugged. “Not really.” At least not to him.
    He glanced back at his younger brother. “Don’t you have something else to do?”
    â€œYeah.” Sean nodded. “Security. Computers.” When he didn’t leave immediately, Braeden cocked an eyebrow, silently questioning why Sean wasn’t moving.
    She had no wish to see the brothers get into it, so she said, “Go, Sean. I’ll be fine.” The tension in the air eased slightly. Sean glanced at her one more time before leaving the garage.
    Looking for a way to buy time,

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