
Read Online Dragonmark by Sherrilyn Kenyon - Free Book Online

Book: Dragonmark by Sherrilyn Kenyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon
as beautiful as the demon she served, Narishka was blond and dressed in black—like all the other Adoni members of Morgen’s Circle. “It was a dragon’s lair you found, you say?” Morgen asked.
    â€œAnd this island?”
    â€œHybrasil, I think.”
    That set off a round of gasps through the Adoni around him. A beautiful race of fey, they were lethal and cruel to an unholy level. None of them could be trusted, except to betray and to lie.
    And kill without mercy or compassion.
    It also got Morgen’s full attention and brought her to her feet. “You found the hidden lair of the son of Ares? Plundered there and lived to tell it?”
    Virag’s stomach shrank at the way she asked that question. “Aye?”
    She let out an evil laugh as a slow, insidious smile spread over her breathtaking face. “Oh, I’m impressed with you, little sprite. That took great balls.” Crooking her finger at him, she motioned for Virag to approach her. It seemed like a profoundly bad idea, but not approaching seemed like an even worse one.
    So he took a deep breath and obeyed.
    â€œYou and I need to speak in private,” she whispered. “There is something else of his I want. You do this and I’ll give you what you want.”
    Virag knew this was going to be bad, especially since Morgen and Narishka led him from the hall, down a dark, cold, eerie hallway that was lit with the glowing guts of disemboweled fey creatures.
    Something he really hoped his own internal organs didn’t do.
    Morgen led him into her room, then closed the door with an ominous thud. “This dragon will have a mark on his hide. I want you to bring it to me.”
    â€œThe dragon? The mark, or his hide?”
    Morgen grimaced as if he were daft. “Kill him, you fool, and carve the mark from his body. Bring me the skin of the mark. More than that, if he’s who and what I think he is … he will be the guardian for the Halter of Epona. Find it! You bring me that, and I will grant the freedom you ask. You fail and I will feed your heart to my demons.”
    Virag winced at her harsh words. Illarion had done them a favor. And how was he to repay it?
    With treachery.
    It figured.
    But what choice did he have? It was either the dragon’s heart, or their heads on a pike.
    Or the worst of all …
    Eternal slavery to this wretched bitch.

    Breathless, Illarion pulled back to stare down at Edilyn in utter disbelief of her innocently sweet kiss. One so inept that it drove home just how inexperienced she was. More touched than he wanted to admit, he smiled at her. He placed a tender kiss to her forehead, then started away.
    Once again, she stopped him.
    What are you doing?
    Biting her lip, she placed her hand on his chest. “I know what it means to be chosen by a dragon. I’m ready.”
    He ground his teeth. You keep offering yourself to me like this, Edilyn, and one day I won’t say no .
    â€œIllarion.” She caught him about the waist.
    He drew his breath in sharply at the sensation of her hands on his skin. The fact that she ran her right hand up his abdomen to his neck, where the wretched scar of his captivity remained, didn’t help his mood.
    â€œDo you really want me to leave?”
    No, he didn’t. It was the first time he could remember that he craved the presence of another.
    Do not play with me, Edilyn. Dragons are fierce, unforgiving creatures. Passionate in all things. We are not like your people. If I claim you, it is eternal. I won’t ever let you go. You need to understand that and be willing to accept the fact that I can’t mingle with mankind. While I can agree to bring you and your brother into my world, I refuse to widen my tolerance further. This would be your life. Lonely and secluded. Forevermore.
    Edilyn brushed her hand through his damp hair as she considered his earnest words. The fact he was being patient

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