Dragon Dreams: Book 2: Prophecy of the Dragons

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Book: Dragon Dreams: Book 2: Prophecy of the Dragons by E.J. Krause Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.J. Krause
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery, Teen & Young Adult, Paranormal & Urban
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24/7 had scared the pants off of him, but now that he could barely feel her at all scared him infinitely more. And he couldn't even begin to think about what the captain was talking about resurrection-wise.
    The captain launched an attack of his own, a whirling assault with his two cutlasses, which Ben knocked aside with his shield and his own blade. Before he could strike back, the captain blew out his breath, spewing forth a swarm of gnats which engulfed Ben. They didn't hurt, but swirled around, impeding his vision, forcing him to back away from the fight. Every second he delayed, the weaker Andi grew, and the stronger the captain got.
    "You can't beat me, pup. No matter what you do, I'll come out on top."
    "You talk a good game, Cap."
    The captain laughed and attacked again. Ben parried each strike, and fought back from landing a killing blow when offered. The glimmer in the captain's eyes showed he knew he was leaving himself exposed. He shot a ray of sickly energy at Ben, who blocked it with his shield, his own energy keeping it from bleeding through the metal. If it got past, it would drain his own life force to fuel the captain like what was already happening with Andi.
    "You are a strong one, pup, I'll give you that. Too bad the brains don't match, or you'd be a formidable foe indeed."
    Anger flared inside Ben for a second, but he bit it back and smiled, impressed with himself that he hadn't lashed out because of his temper, which was what the captain wanted. He glanced up at Andi. She still watched intently, so the draining power of the spell didn't look to have hit her too hard yet. He had to end this before it did.
    He leapt at the captain, blocking both cutlasses with his shield and slicing the tip of his blade across the captain's left shoulder. The captain kicked against Ben's shield and flipped out of reach.
    "Nice one, pup. But your mate's energy will heal that right up."
    The blood flow stopped, and the small wound closed up, good as new. Ben again had to fight against the rage over the fact that Andi's life force had helped the evil pirate. The fact that his powers hadn't suggested a way to counter the prison spell either meant he was on the right track, whatever it was, or it couldn't be countered, though he wouldn't stand for that.
    Ben flew at the captain again, his plan this time to bull through the cutlasses with his shield and tackle him. Once inside the swords, he could batter the captain into submission. The necromancer was little more than a skeleton, so overpowering him shouldn't prove too difficult. Before he could carry it out, the captain waved his hand and a dozen of the skeleton crew members reanimated. They'd get in his way if he didn't take care of them first. Besides, they didn't feel nearly as powerful as before. A quick bash of his shield brought all twelve crashing lifeless back to the deck, but they'd served their purpose.
    "Keep trying, pup. Nothing you're doing is getting you any closer to rescuing your mate. And, pup, I must tell you how delicious her life force is. But let my blade spill your blood, and she can be free. Until you bleed out, that is."
    Ben's entire essence vibrated. That was it. His blood. That would break the prison. He struck out at the captain and let up enough to invite a counterattack, which he let drive him back. The captain kept pushing until they were right underneath Andi. Ben maneuvered his shield to a position to block most any attack and dropped his concentration from the fight enough to cast a spell. His hope was that it would catch the captain off-guard since he hadn't introduced his own magic into the fight yet.
    It was nothing but a simple negative energy blast, but it knocked the captain halfway across the deck. He cursed himself for letting Ben surprise him, and then screamed, "No!" when he saw what came next.
    Ben dragged the sharp edge of his sword across his own forearm, drawing a ribbon of blood out. He jumped up and smeared it against the

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