Dragon Dreams: Book 2: Prophecy of the Dragons

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Book: Dragon Dreams: Book 2: Prophecy of the Dragons by E.J. Krause Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.J. Krause
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery, Teen & Young Adult, Paranormal & Urban
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since they'd rediscovered their love, and it had been no big deal in the overall scheme of their marriage. They were upset, yet still in love. Plus, making up had been a mind-blowing experience. As much as he liked Ben and Andi sleeping at home in Ben's room at night, there were definite advantages to them staying at the Thomas place.
    "You don't suppose this is like when we were captured by that evil guy, the necro-thingy-majancer, do you?"
    "Necromancer," he said. Yeah, that's exactly what this was like, except in a much nicer setting.
    "Whatever. But this time we didn't get dragged here. We are dreaming, right?"
    "Yeah, because this interrupted my dream about what's going to happen when you try on the gift I got you. The one I didn't put under the tree."
    She giggled and swatted his shoulder. "Stop. This is serious."
    "Maybe it is, and maybe it isn't. Think about it. We're basically magical beings now, right? Even if it was only our lifespans that were affected. What if occasional things like this are part of the package? Hopefully we'll wake up like normal in the morning. I mean, it's not like this is a horrible place to be. Want to explore? See where we are, what it is?"
    "Shh," she said. "Listen. Did you hear that?"
    He cocked his head to the side and concentrated. No, he hadn't heard anything. Wait. Did something move on stage?
    "Trent, I think this place might be haunted." Heidi's voice wavered on hysterics, but for the moment, she still had control.
    "Look." He pointed to the stage. All but two of the chairs filled with men and women in the middle of a heated debate. The sound slowly rose from muffled whispers to loud shouts, like the audio caught up with the visual. Except now that it was all together, this didn't look like a holographic projection, but real people sitting up on the stage.
    "There should be no question about this," one of the figures shouted, louder than any of the others. "With Leon and Cassandra gone, the two are more unpredictable than before. Locking them up here is the only sensible solution."
    Another rose to back up the first shouter. "Even you two can't argue, Angus and Gretchen. Her parents were their guiding light. With them gone, it's easy enough to guess which way the prophecy will go. And that's without the aid of any prophecy readers."
    More shouts of agreement than disagreement rose, and everything quieted when the man sitting in the center chair stood. Trent wasn't sure what was going on, but this was bad. Very bad. A quick glance at Heidi showed she agreed.
    "No vote is necessary. They'll be held here at the Stronghold," the man in the middle said. "Our discussion now will move to who shall retrieve them."
    And with that, the people on stage faded, both visually and audibly. He turned to Heidi, but couldn't speak. Besides, she'd disappeared, too.

Chapter 6
    "I see you've discovered the secret to the spell," the captain croaked. "I wanted you to strike the killing blow. I sense enough power coming from you that the only way I can be sure to put you down for good, is to kill your mate. I'll resurrect from anything you can deliver, but you'll never rise from your dragon's death."
    "Once I counter your spell, I'll send you so far down to Hell that you'll never come back."
    "Brave words, young Dragon Guard, but you're bluffing. Your only two options are to kill me, which kills you, or to let me kill you, which maybe you can rise from, maybe you can't. Do you know how, boy?"
    Ben shoved his anger down and concentrated on dueling with the captain. If he could knock the necromantic pirate unconscious, he'd have time to figure out how to rescue Andi. He needed to smack him with the flat of his blade or with his shield, and he needed to do it fast; he could swear Andi already looked like she was about to drop. Of course, that could be his imagination jumping to the worst possible conclusion. When he first heard the details of becoming her Dragon Guard, the thought of feeling her emotions

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