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Book: Download My Love by Eva LeFoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva LeFoy
thigh. He ate every one of her desperate moans, swallowing them and using his clever tongue to demand she give him more until she could no longer breathe and he lifted his head. “Sam.”
    “Everett,” she panted.
    His fingers made quick work of her shirt buttons. He laid it open, exposing her bra. His hands cupped one breast through the fabric and squeezed, then the other. Then he used his teeth to rip the bra away.
    The intensity in his eyes made her squeal. She’d never been looked at so hungrily.
    He licked and tasted one nipple, then the other. “Delicious,” he said.
    She wriggled under him, her body on fire needing his touch everywhere. Did it matter he wasn’t human? The hell . There was no point in considering that question now. Her body had all the answer she needed. “Everett, I want you—”
    The maddening man shook his head. “Not yet. I want to see you first.” He took his time stripping her of every scrap of material on her body. Even her socks. When she was completely bare he stood her up.
    She felt a little like a plucked chicken standing naked before him, open to his scrutiny. With his superior eyesight he’d quickly find every flaw, note every detail. She crossed her arms over her chest but he re-opened them, leaving them hanging by her sides. Then he sank onto his knees.
    With his hands covering her breasts he gazed up at her adoringly. He stroked down her belly to her hips, then explored the curves of her legs. When he was done with the front side he moved around to her back. His palms caressed her shoulder blades, down her back and her ass. He leaned his warm cheek against her butt and wrapped his arms around her hips, hugging her. She felt worshipped.
    Whatever his true intentions, his actions strengthened her, gave her a confidence no other man could. Everett had seen her every flaw and worshipped her. She knew she could tell him anything, be anything, and he’d still desire her. No human contact had ever given her that. She put her hands over his on her hips. “Everett…I’m ready.”
    He stood and took off his clothes. The penis attachment jutted out proudly from his loins. She wanted to touch it—feel it warm and vibrating–but he pushed her hand back. “Not yet.”
    Stifling a whine she let him guide her onto the bed. He lay down beside her and stroked his hand from her collarbone down to her pussy nice and slow. His fingers were soft as they dipped into her folds and she wondered about his ‘new skin’ comment. Could he change his skin to be any texture she wanted? The idea made her moisten and she squirmed.
    “That’s it,” Everett said. “A little more.” His movements were slow but efficient. They hit their targets with alarming accuracy. If she’d felt laid open to him before, this was tenfold. He punched the button of her clit expertly—even better than she could—drawing a loud moan from her lips. Her whole body melted under his touch. He slid a finger inside her easily and drew it back out. When he slid it in again and rubbed her clit at the same time, she clutched his shoulders and he lowered his head to cover her mouth with his.
    His tongue pressed inside teasing hers, mimicking the action of the finger inside her, and she was soon panting beneath him and wetter than she’d ever been in her life. A couple more seconds of this and she’d explode. But she wanted, needed more of him.
    “Everett, please.”
    “No.” He crooked the finger inside her and swirled the one on her clit. Above, he captured her mouth again possessively, thoroughly. He pinned her to the bed with his body, with his intent, his power.
    Her legs trembled. An orgasm started in her core and raced into every nook and cranny of her being. “Everett!” She screamed his name into his mouth and came. Legs trembling, she twisted and writhed arching closer to him yet further away from the rapturous heat consuming her. Every second of the bliss was agony. For a mechanoid, he’d done it

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