Double Clutch

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Book: Double Clutch by Liz Reinhardt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liz Reinhardt
knocked her over. “You have potatoes in your ears, Blixen?”
    Luckily, my ear buds had popped out and fallen into the depths of my sweatshirt when I ran into her. “Sorry Coach Dunn.” I noticed I had moved up in her esteem; I went from a number to a last name.
    “ Try outs are in two weeks. I better see you there,” she glowered.
    “ I’m thinking about it seriously,” I called as I jogged back towards the locker room.
    “ Blixen!”
    I looked back.
    “ You broke yesterday’s record!” She shook her head like she couldn’t believe it.
    I wondered if I was suddenly good at running because I had gotten used to doing my favorite thing (zoning out and obsessing over something) while I did something physical (riding my bike) while I was in Denmark. Once my blood got pumping, I just went to that place in my head, and I let my mind wander anywhere it needed to go. I’d be awful at any sport that required I pay attention or actually think, but give me something on a track where I can just wind up and go, and I’m golden.
    Saxon waited for me in the hall.
    “ Why don’t you wear those tiny shorts when you run, like they do in the movies?” His voice was low and sexy, and he knew it.
    “ Because I’m not in a movie. I know it’s confusing, since you obviously live ‘The Saxon Show’ day and night, but some of us just want to live a boring, old, normal, high school life, you know?”
    “ You’re the furthest thing from boring I can imagine.” He reached out and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I actually felt all of those little hairs on my arms stand up when his fingertips brushed my ear.
    The bell rang, and he put his hand back where it belonged. It didn’t even surprise me when the urge to grab his hand and lick it ran through my mind. I’d been thinking such weird things the past few days, I didn’t even acknowledge half of what passed through my brain anymore. We started walking down the hallway. “So, let’s hang out tonight.” His invitation sent a shiver down my spine.
    “ No,” I said simply. It was best not to let my traitorous brain think about this one too much.
    “ Jesus, just as friends, Brenna!” he snapped.
    “ Wow, as sweet as that sounds, I’ll have to pass,” I bit out. “I have plans.”
    “ With who?” he asked, his voice tight.
    “ None of your business, Saxon.” The fact that he was acting so possessive really irritated me. “You know what, you’re not my boyfriend, and even if you were, I’m not a person who likes to be questioned about my every free moment. You need to find someone else to irritate.”
    “ But the thought of irritating you is literally what made me want to get out of bed this morning.” He gave me his best charming smile, but I kept my mouth in a straight line. He grunted. “Fine. Go out with whoever you want. It’s not like I’m going anywhere.”
    “ I can keep hoping.” I punched his arm lightly. “If you want, I’ll let you buy me an extra ice cream. I was still pretty hungry after lunch yesterday.”
    “ It’s a date, Blixen. I’ve seen guys on the football team eat half of what you ate yesterday at lunch.”
    “ I’ve got a healthy appetite.”
    “ So, how did you like Tech?” he asked as we made our way into the crowded lunchroom and lined up to get food.
    “ I loved it. I met some really nice people, and the work we’re doing is interesting.” My mind went right to Jake’s face, and I felt a dizzy rush.
    “ I thought it was pretty crazy when you first told me you were going,” he admitted. “I’ve never known anyone with more than a double digit IQ who went to Tech.”
    “ That’s a stupid thing to say,” I said calmly, thinking, again, about Jake. “People who go to Tech learn to do things that we take for granted. I mean, you laugh about the girls who cut your hair, but if you had to do it yourself, that would suck, wouldn’t it?”
    “ I could just let it grow out.” He refused to give me an inch.

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