Don't You Remember

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Book: Don't You Remember by Lana Davison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lana Davison
We had made the plan together so that we could both pursue our own goals.
    Johnny began to work at The Boxer most afternoons until early evening as he was saving for his departure. This gave me time to do all my homework and study for the end of year exams. I would go home, make sure the place was clean and tidy, speak to my parents briefly if they were in, make something easy to eat and study for hours. When Johnny got home I knew, I could hear the engine of his car and see the light go on in his room. I would give him at least half an hour before going over, so that he could eat and shower. I’d throw on some short summer shorts and a tank and leave my house, locking up on my way out. Johnny had given me a spare key to his house, so I could come and go as I please.
    One evening I entered his front door and went straight to his room. Johnny was sitting on his bed with his guitar in his arms and music in front of him. I stood at the door watching him, admiring him. He looked up at me standing there. “What are you doing all the way over there? Come over here,” he said, summoning me over with his index finger. I stood at the side of the bed while he put one hand up my short and rested it on my butt cheek.
    “What are you working on?”
    “This new song,” he said, moving his hand to his music sheet.
    “Play it.”
    He started to play and, as always, managed to blow me away. His voice was distinctive, masculine and always in tune. Johnny had every reason to feel confident about making something out of himself through his music – he was a truly gifted musician. I knew it was going to be hard for him to become a professional musician but he owed it to himself to try. He planned to head east, stopping off in various towns to perform until he reached New York. Then he would work the pub circuit and hope for the best. He said life had been hard in many ways and that maybe it was his turn for good things to happen. Johnny was a fighter and would fight for whatever he wanted.
    “That was so good, Johnny. Play something else.”
    “Any requests?” he asked, lifting up his file of songs.
    “No. I don’t mind,” I said, lifting up the pile of paper and flicking through it.
    That night I listened to Johnny play and sang along to all the songs I already knew. This was us in our secret world, a world where we could hang out and play music, discussing the tunes, the lyrics and working out if changes were needed or not. I was very much a part of that process. My opinion counted.
    As it approached midnight, Johnny collected his music papers, piled them onto his desk and leaned his guitar up against the corner of the wall.
    I took my shorts off and curled up next to him, my smooth shaved leg folded up against his waist, my hand resting on his chest playing with the curved shape of his pecs.
    “What are you thinking?” he asked me.
    “I’m thinking about your chest and how perfect it is. Why? What are you thinking?”
    “I’m thinking I want you to get these off,” he said, flicking the elastic in my pants and then doing the same to my bra.
    I looked up at him, his blue eyes reading mine. I said nothing but removed my panties while he undid the back of my bra with one hand, like an expert. I pulled his boxers down noticing he was hard, then came up to meet his gaze. He placed me on my side in spooning position and held me at my waist. I lifted my arm and placed it behind his neck, turning my head to kiss him. He kissed me and placed himself inside me. We moved in unison softly moaning with pleasure. He knew exactly where to touch me, feeling my body all over, kissing my neck and shoulders gently, and then effortlessly finding my clitoris with his finger and adding just the right pressure. We finished, both satisfied and holding on tight to each other, feeling as if we were each other’s security blanket.

    The countdown to graduation had begun – two weeks and two days. My final exams finished today

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