Don't Forget Me

Read Online Don't Forget Me by Sia Wales - Free Book Online

Book: Don't Forget Me by Sia Wales Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sia Wales
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Fantasy, Sagas, Genre Fiction, Family Saga
of her shielded her face from him.
    She let herself be lulled by the velvety sound of his voice, intrigued by his graceful movements, his easy and natural charm, noting how he remained professionally detached from the crowd of pretty students gazing at him from the front, spellbound. He ignored them, not even rewarding them with a glance, despite their every effort to attract his attention.
    Donn’s senses quickly alerted him to Stella’s presence. His mouth curved into a secret smile as he smelled her scent drifting in the air. He spotted her at the back. He shot her a playful smile but his focus on the lecture never wavered. Every so often, he had to stifle his emotions when he saw her expression change from innocent to knowing, as she remembered the satiny touch of his hands on her neck, the subtle yet sensual way he moved his body.
    Winding down the lecture, he gave Stella a look that said ‘wait for me’ only to see her blend maddeningly into the crowd of students that started to exit the classroom as soon as he’d signaled it was over. Donn found himself once again hastily going through the motions of thanking the teacher and practically running out of the room after her. He slalomed impatiently through the groups of students chatting in the corridor, closing the distance between them, but not before she had left the building and turned the corner, where he found her.
    He seized her by the shoulders and drew her towards himself, feeling her flinch.
    “Were you just putting me to the test?” He examined her meticulously but coolly. Stella bit her lower lip, pressing it between her teeth and sucking it into her mouth.
    “Do you insist on putting me to the test, Miss Whitely?” Donn asked dryly, tightening his jaws. Stella could not hold back from biting her lip once more.
    “Don’t bite your lip,” Donn scolded her. He seized her head, pulled it to him and forced a violent, penetrating kiss onto her lips, no longer caring that they were in public. It was impossible for Stella not to return the kiss, giving way completely to his touch and abandoning her nape to Donn’s hand. Only when he slipped out of her mouth did Stella see the eyes of several students trained upon her. Embarrassed, she blushed and buried her head in Donn’s gray jacket. Donn stiffened and was almost on the point of pushing her away, but he understood Stella’s discomfort and let her remain clasped to his chest for a few seconds. He bent down to kiss her forehead and Stella looked upwards. She saw his beautiful sky-blue eyes studying her, his perfect lips slightly apart.
    “Did you really think you could get rid of me so easily, Miss Whitely?”he asked, realizing she thought she’d given him the slip as he saw the startled look on her face of someone being caught out.
    “That’s the second time you’ve scared me to death today! Are you trying to kill me softly by any chance, Mr Brooks?!” she exclaimed smiling.
    “Not at all. Quick and painless is my usual approach…” he replied, putting his arms around her.
    “Ah, that’s a relief… How did you know where to find me?” she quizzed him, piqued. “You were still standing next to the lectern, hemmed in by your groupies, when I left the room.”
    “Stella, I’d find you anywhere. Did you think the halls of the university would give me a problem?”. He smiled confidently, hearing a call come in on his cell phone. He saw it was Graham Bristol, the conservative member of Council to whom Donn had promised the girl, simply as a personal favor. The Council member had just come back from a business trip and he wanted to speak to him that same day, now that he’d discovered that Jason was in reality a half-vampire, a feature he could have inherited only from Rod Warner, the conservative member of the Council who had nearly killed him. It was really Warner himself who wanted the girl, using Bristol as a go-between: the idea was to lure Jason into his trap. The aim was to get him to

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