Dominic (Saint Brothers #1)

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Book: Dominic (Saint Brothers #1) by Kristan Belle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristan Belle
one problem after another.
    This wasn’t my kind of place. I know that sounds crazy seeing as I own the joint, but I didn’t build it out of love. I started this place because I knew it would be a money-maker.
    Rich bastards came in here to exchange stories on how much money they made, which of their wives or girlfriends they were entertaining that night and all that crap. That wasn’t my thing at all. But as long as the drinks kept flowing and the cash kept coming in, I wasn’t going to complain.
    The last thing I needed to do tonight was see Mitch Hanniger. He was a rich stiff who was having problems with one of his business. In all fairness, I liked Mitch and he worked hard for what he had, which was something I respected. Apparently, money was disappearing right, left and centre and he wanted to speak to me and my brothers about investigating it.
    I said I would meet with him as a favour, as a friend. This wasn’t my kind of deal, but Mitch preferred to meet me here at Decadence, and Kellin and Austen didn’t have the time to make it tonight. They had enough on their plates already and I agreed to take over this initial meeting. Mitch was an old pal and I would help him out if I could. All I needed to do was find out the bare bones of what was needed and then my brothers would be able to take it from there.
    Even though things were starting to come to an end, there were still plenty of people out in the main room. I couldn’t see the bridal party that had been sat there earlier. They had left a bit back, taking with them that stunning girl I nearly sent flying on her ass.
    I couldn’t recall seeing her in the club before, but I knew of some of the women at her table well enough. To them, I was some kind of enigma. Not many people knew the face behind the business and that was the way I wanted to keep it. Hell, even half my staff didn’t know who I was and they worked for me. They didn’t know me, but I knew them. I made it a point to keep an eye on my business, whether it was Decadence or Sinners.
    But, her, I didn’t know. There was something about her that made my cock throb, but it was also more than that. However, I hadn’t had time to do anything about it tonight and now she was gone. It was probably for the best, seeing as I had to sit with Mitch, but it was disappointing. She wasn’t a regular in here and I had no way of finding out who she was.
    I would remember her if I had seen her in here before. She had a hell of a figure that she didn’t seem aware of, hiding it behind clothes that covered her. All I wanted to do was wrap that long chestnut hair around my fist as I pounded into her from behind.
    Shaking the thought from my mind, I needed a drink. I didn’t need a woman on my mind. I didn’t need sex clouding my thoughts.
    Moving over to the bar, no one seemed to bat an eyelid at my presence. It seemed that if the suit was expensive enough and the ink was covered up, my face fit into this scene. Little did they know I was the one that owned this place, paid their salaries and provided them with this crazily expensive place to party. And that was just how I wanted to keep it.
    It wasn’t that I was ashamed or anything like that. I just didn’t want the hassle of having my face plastered all over the place as the next eligible bachelor. Flitting between Decadence and Sinners suited me perfectly and would provide a nest egg for the future.
    That was what I was working towards, it was all I was working for. I wanted the future to be secure for me and my girl. Nothing else mattered. Obviously, the extra money that was coming in was handy to help out my brothers, but my girl came first. She was the most important thing to me.
    Moving over towards the bar, I smiled at Sheena. She was an exception to the rule. She knew exactly who I was and what I was doing at the club. But that was because we’d grown up as next door neighbours and I had helped her out of a rough spot and given her this job to when

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