Dominic (Saint Brothers #1)

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Book: Dominic (Saint Brothers #1) by Kristan Belle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristan Belle
ruggedly good looking. He didn’t look like he belonged behind a desk or in a bank. I imagined him to be an outdoorsy type, working with his hands on some kind of construction site. I could see through the deception of the suit he was wearing.
    “Are you okay?” He asked, his brow furrowing slightly.
    I realised I’d been stood there open-mouthed staring at him. What a bloody fool. There was probably a puddle of drool at my feet. But none of the women in here could blame me. This was one damn fine specimen of a man. “I’m fine, thank you.”
    “I didn’t hurt you?”
    “Not at all.” I couldn’t help the little smirk that pulled at my lips. There was no way I could have not felt the firmness of his chest as we collided. I only came up to his shoulders and I could have easily broken my nose on those rock-hard pecs of his as I walked out with my head down. Ah, but it would have been worth the pain.
    “Do you have a name?” He asked with a small smile and that quirk of his lips had my stomach clenching. The low rumble of his husky voice made me want to cross my legs.
    Surely this man had to have a flaw? Did his personality suck? Maybe he was a serial killer? Okay, maybe that’s a little drastic, but he was a hot as hell and from this brief moment of conversation, he seemed nice enough. Plus, someone this nicely wrapped couldn’t be as sweet as sugar all the way through, could they? Oh, what I wouldn’t give to find out…
    “Fallon.” I grinned as he held out his hand to me.
    “Well, it was nice bumping into you, Fallon. Maybe we could do it again sometime?”
    Laughing, I nodded. On first impressions, this guy had it all. I bet he was a dud in bed. No one could be that perfect.
    He turned to walk away and I realised I didn’t even know his name. I couldn’t call out to him, what would I say? I would only look an idiot, so all I could do was stand there and watch his firm ass move further and further away from me.
    I stood there for a few minutes even after he was out of sight before walking back to the girls’. I wasn’t looking for a man, really I wasn’t. But, perhaps it was like I had told Taylor, it found you when you were least expecting it? Not that I wanted to read too much into the situation. After all, he had only bumped into me and asked for my name, it wasn’t like it was a marriage proposal. But, still, it was nice to dream.
    “What took you so long?” Olivia asked as soon as I sat back down at the table.
    What a rude question to ask? How was she to know I hadn’t been in there throwing my guts up or stuck sat on the toilet? My sister was never one to be too sensitive about these things. “I bumped into someone.”
    She glanced over at me, not believing me for one second, but I wasn’t about to elaborate. He was my little secret. One that I would be taking to bed with me tonight to join me and Mr B.O.B.
    “We were just talking about ice decorations for the reception.”
    I kept my sigh to myself and tried not to look too bored. “Let me go and get Taylor and then you can fill me in on what I’ve missed.”
    If I was going to go down this road of boredom, Taylor was coming with me. She was my wing-man and was going to live up to the responsibility of saving me from my sister, whether she liked it or not.
    The rest of the evening went pretty much as I expected. The girls didn’t like to stay out too late, wanting to get home and get their beauty sleep. The wedding ideas were tossed around but Olivia kept everything very hush hush with regards to her final decisions.
    I didn’t see Mr Hottie again. And it wasn’t for lack of trying. I think I must have gone to the toilet so many times that the others thought I had cystitis. But, I didn’t see him. After our little encounter, it sucked going home alone.
    Coming out of my office, I was pleased to see that things were finally winding down. The club had been heaving tonight, but I was stuck in my office dealing with

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