DOMINIC (Dragon Security Book 3)

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Book: DOMINIC (Dragon Security Book 3) by Glenna Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Sinclair
you again. As far as I’m concerned, you’re dead. I no longer have a sister.”
    I walked away, never looking back. I could hear her crying; I could hear the sobs wracking her body. I told myself I didn’t care, but I heard them for a long time in my dreams. Still do sometimes.
    “One of the guys we were with…he followed her and heard what you said. If not for Emily’s handler—he was across the street and was able to call for backup—they would have gotten word to their superiors that we were CIA. They arrested him and his friends, called it a success despite the fact that even Emily’s bosses suspected there were was more than what they were able to get out of them during interrogation. All in all, fifty people were arrested out of that operation. But Emily felt like she could have gotten more, could have stopped the attacks that happened this year, if she hadn’t allowed you to blow our cover.”
    “So she’s dead because of me.”
    “No,” Dominic said, reaching for my hand. “She’s dead because she found more than she’d expected to. Because she made the choice to go rogue. Because she didn’t allow me or Edgar or anyone else help her.”
    I shook my head, thinking of those sobs, of my sister’s heart breaking behind me. I pulled away from Dominic and stood, needing to move. I went into the bathroom and began gathering my things, shoving them into bags. Dominic didn’t try to talk to me. In fact, he left the room, giving me a few minutes to process.
    “Let me drive.”
    He hesitated, but he handed me the keys. We were on the road not ten minutes later. He watched me in the darkness of the car, but exhaustion finally overcame him, and he stretched out in the small space of the passenger seat and was asleep before we hit the city limits. I couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d told me. I was glad to have the activity of driving because I was pretty sure I would have gone insane if I’d had nothing but my thoughts to keep me busy.
    My sister was a CIA agent.
    I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. One day we were all college students, all three hanging out together on campus, working at pretending to be adults. Then Dominic failed his economics class for the second time and decided that school just wasn’t his thing. I was scared and frustrated when he told me he’d joined the Army, but proud, too. Emily was with me when I watched him get on that bus that took him to basic training, holding my hand and telling me it was going to be okay.
    And then she left two months later.
    It was an honor to study at the Sorbonne—even if it wasn’t technically the Sorbonne anymore. We were happy for her. Once again, I stood and watched someone I loved go away, standing in the airport with my parents. Then I returned home and finished the last of my junior year and my entire senior year of college all by myself. To begin my life without the two most important people in my life.
    She was CIA. She was trying to save the world from terrorist, and I was here, teaching high school student about Shakespeare. And he was…what? Fighting terrorists on the ground and helping her with her intelligence gathering. They were heroes, and I had the nerve to turn my back on them, accuse them of something ugly and push them out of my life.
    Who was I to do that?
    The sun was coming up as we passed through Tucson. Dominic grunted as he slowly began to wake.
    “What time is it?”
    “A little after six.”
    He sat up and studied the road signs for a moment. Then he pointed.
    “Get off there.”
    “Are we stopping for breakfast?”
    I hadn’t eaten in nearly forty-eight hours. It was partly my fault, but that didn’t do anything to calm the ache in my belly.
    He shook his head. “We need to get rid of this car. Someone might have put two and two together by now.”
    He gestured toward the exit he wanted me to take. I slowed the car as we came to a stop sign. He pointed several more times, guiding me into a

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