Dom for Sale

Read Online Dom for Sale by Christine d'Abo - Free Book Online

Book: Dom for Sale by Christine d'Abo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine d'Abo
Tags: Erótica
before he maneuvered his way between my thighs, lifting my legs to drape over his shoulders. I registered his hot breath on my pussy half a second before his tongue lapped at my clit.
    I screamed.
    The touch was so gentle and yet he could have hooked me up to an electric motor for all the power that was in that soft slide of wet flesh on flesh. The throbbing in my nipples intensified as the blood raced even faster through me.
    Two fingers pushed into my cunt, spreading me open as he began to pump his hand in time with his licks. The tips of his fingers pressed against the top of my pussy, dragging another moan from me. Then he switched the slow, easy rhythm into something harder, faster.
    Master Gareth latched onto my clit with a suction that rivaled anything I’d ever felt before. As he fucked me with his fingers, he dipped his free hand down to play with my asshole. Oh Christ, I’d never let anyone touch me there before.
    He didn’t wait or ask permission. Using copious amounts of my juices, he slicked up his other fingers and pressed one into my ass.
    God, I’d never felt so full. So possessed. So utterly owned.
    All thoughts of orders, rules and tests evaporated then. My hands flew to his head and I squeezed his hair. I was so damn close to release, to finally getting what I needed, I would never let him—
    Master Gareth sucked hard and pressed his fingers in deep simultaneously, and that was it for me.
    My orgasm was like a brush fire, igniting every nerve in my body like a cascade. Every muscle tensed until my back arched off the floor and I pressed my hands hard against his head. He groaned and doubled his efforts on my clit, sucking and teasing until my body had nothing left to give.
    I’m pretty sure I passed out then, because the next thing I remember was turning my head to the side and burying my nose in Master Gareth’s T-shirt. I’m not sure when he’d put it under my head, but the thin cushion was a welcome relief from the cold.
    “You with me again?”
    I had enough energy in me to lift my head off the floor and see him sitting on the chair where we’d started our evening’s adventure. I flopped back to my makeshift pillow, unfortunately connecting a bit too hard and sending my vision swimming.
    “I think so.”
    “Here, drink this.” He was crouched down beside me in a moment, a sports drink held between us. “You’ll want to have Connie or someone drive you home. You’ll find your reactions might be a bit slow until you get a good night’s sleep.”
    Now, I may have just had the most mind-blowing orgasm of my life and my brain was still a bit scrambled, but I could tell there was something not quite right.
    “You didn’t come.” It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
    He held my gaze to the point of it being uncomfortable. But before I felt obligated to look somewhere else, he dropped his gaze to the floor.
    “You know, you’re a beautiful woman, Liz.”
    Ah shit.
    “And tonight was pretty damn amazing.”
    Somehow I found the strength to hold up my hand. I never considered myself an idiot, and could hear the ginormous but coming my way. I couldn’t handle it. God, I’d just started to figure this shit out, I couldn’t handle…I mean I knew who I was now…I was a sub and he was…he was it !
    “Please don’t.” Somehow my voice wasn’t too shaky. I licked my dry lips and chanced another sip of the drink. “You don’t have to say it.”
    “I think I need to.” He brushed my bangs from my face. “You’re beautiful, you know.”
    Turning onto my side, I made sure my back was to him. My nose was fully pressed into his shirt now and goddammit why couldn’t I ever get this shit to fall in my favor. Just once would be nice.
    “If I said it wasn’t about you, I know you wouldn’t believe me.” His fingers now brushed the back of my neck. “You’re on the beginning of this journey, Liz. You need to find the right person.”
    “You could be the right

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