Doctor Who: Earthshock

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Book: Doctor Who: Earthshock by Ian Marter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Marter
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
Occasionally, faint shudders reverberated through the huge space as if some species of monstrous animal were stirring quietly somewhere in the depths...
    All at once a muffled grinding and scraping noise erupted down in a far corner of the after end of the hold. The TARDIS blinked uncertainly into tangible form and fell silent.
    Inside, everyone was staring expectantly at the viewer.
    'Well, here we are!' the Doctor announced reassuringly, smiling broadly at the dazed expressions on the faces of the Lieutenant, Professor Kyle and the troopers.
    'Where's here?' Tegan demanded suspiciously.
    Nyssa checked the console. 'The atmosphere is breathable,' she reported.
    The Doctor shrugged. 'It looks like the interior of some kind of cargo vessel,'
    he said, nodding at the unfriendly shadows on the screen. 'But appearances can be deceptive, of course.'
    Pulling himself together, Scott turned to his squad. 'We should move in before anyone realises we're here,' he said.
    The Doctor stared disapprovingly at the Lieutenant's laser tube. 'That way innocent people might get hurt,' he scolded.
    Scott laughed. 'Doesn't worry me, Doctor. These people tried to destroy my planet,' he retorted.
    The Doctor smiled patiently. 'We don't know that for certain.'
    'But this is where the beam controlling the bomb originated?' Kyle interrupted.
    The Doctor raised his hands in a calming gesture. 'My experience through several hundred years has taught me not to jump to hasty conclusions,' he said quietly.
    The Lieutenant suddenly looked extremely travel-sick. The full realisation of what had just happened to him and to his squad inside the Doctor's museum piece seemed to overwhelm him. He nodded meekly. 'Of course, Doctor ... whatever you think best ... several hundred years...' he mumbled queasily, trying unsuccessfully to hide his confusion.
    'Good. Then we'll start with a small recce,' the Doctor announced, opening the exterior door and putting on his hat.
    Adric sprang forward. 'I'm coming with you.'
    The Doctor paused. For a split second it seemed that he was going to refuse and Adric prepared for battle. 'Certainly Adric,' the Doctor cried and he peered cautiously round the door.
    'Which way?' Adric whispered.
    The Doctor stepped outside and glanced around. 'I don't think it very much matters,' he cried, thrusting his hands into his pockets and setting briskly off into the shadows.
    Scott watched them on the viewer. 'I should have gone with them,' he muttered, appalled by the Doctor's jaunty air as he strode swiftly out of vision.
    Just then a throaty klaxon noise sounded from the console.

    'What's that?' Scott demanded jumpily.
    Nyssa frowned and fiddled with some buttons. 'That is interesting...' she exclaimed in surprise. 'This freighter or whatever it is has just accelerated into warp drive!'
    On the holovisor disc the TARDIS was materialising all over again deep among the silos. The Cyberleader watched intently the image glowing beneath the projector tubes as the door opened and the figures of the Doctor and Adric came out.
    'Excellent... Excellent...' he hissed, leaning forward,
    'It seems that your revenge will come sooner than expected, Leader,' rasped the Deputy, adjusting the projectors.
    'Indeed,' boomed the Leader. 'Our contingency plan can now proceed. The destruction of Earth is assured.'
    A harsh bleeping tone sounded from the module. The Leader stabbed a button on the communications panel. 'Report.'
    'The freighter has received full security clearance for Earth, Leader,' said a thin nasal voice distorted in the speaker.
    'But there is a problem. The disappearance of the three crewmembers is causing unrest...'
    The Cyberleader's blank eye-pods were riveted on the ghostly image of the Doctor and Adric walking away from the TARDIS. 'Instruct your minions to search the hold,' he ordered. 'You will find a scapegoat there.'
    There was a buzzing pause. 'Leader?' the voice queried hesitantly.
    'You have

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