Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1)

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Book: Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1) by Glenna Mayanrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Mayanrd
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house, but that’s mostly because he shares it with assholes one and two.  Royce has the master bedroom with the private bath because it is his house. His friends and I use the term loosely, rent from him.   Thankfully they aren’t home. The asshole duo could have been at the fights for all I know, not that I care to know.
    “I’ll leave you to freshen up.” Royce looks at me longingly.
    I’m so pumped up right now. I’d love to be able to feel the love I used to for him. Maybe with time I will. I inhale his scent in the bathroom. Royce has always smelled of sandalwood and soap. The smell is comforting to me. I sit my bag on top of the commode and strip of my dress, I hope it isn’t ruined.  I take a wash rag from the linen closet washing my face and my arms. I probably should have taken a shower, but I am pressed for time if I don’t want to be late for work. I’m cutting it close as it is.
    I shimmy into my yoga pants and tank top. At least my hair has held up. Sug should work in a salon. I apply some mascara and lip gloss. I don’t bother with anything more. 
    Royce is waiting patiently for me downstairs. 
    “It’s a good feeling to see you back here, with me. I wish things were different Brandi. If I hadn’t been such a prick we could be married right now.” He looks sad, and I can’t withstand that expression he is showing me right now.
    “Royce, let’s not go there tonight. You don’t— you can’t know that. We will talk I promise, but I really need you to drive me to work.”
    “Promises, promises.” He winks at me in an attempt to lighten the mood. The thought of being married terrifies me. Especially after watching my mom and Charlie all these years, if what they have is considered a happy marriage and love, I want no part of it.
    The drive to work is quiet. Royce is in deep thought, and I allow myself to get lost in the scenery as we pass by all the flashing lights and neon signs. I take in the people walking the strip and find myself wondering what some of their stories are and how they ended up here.
    Royce stops near the parking garage entrance. “Do you want me to give you a lift home later?”
    “I’ll be okay. I’ll text you when I get home.” I lean across the console and give him a feather light peck on the lips.
    “I love you Brandi, never doubt that.”
    That’s the problem isn’t it? He dumped me and left me doubting all that we shared.

Chapter 5
    I’m at the end of my shift and have just clocked out. I call for Jay to walk me to my car when I remember that I didn’t drive.  “I’m sorry Jay. I forgot I didn’t drive myself. Can you call me a cab?”
    “Yeah, sure thing. I’ll let you know when it’s here.”
    “Thanks.” I slide down into the sofa in the break room to uncomplainingly wait for my ride.  To pass the time I whip my phone out and check my messages. I already have a text from Royce. I told him I’d text him when I make it home. I shake my head.
    Royce: I wish you were lying next to me.
    He is being sweet. I’ll give him that, maybe I should surprise him and slip in bed beside him. The spare key he gave me still rests on my key ring. I never returned it when we broke-up. I’m fiddling with the key when Jay comes to let me know that there is a car waiting for me out front. 
    Outside of the club there is only Parker Garrett and a black Mercedes waiting for me. “Can I give you a ride?” Like I have a choice, I don’t suppose telling him no would suffice. Having a man, one you’ve been sleeping with drive you to your ex-boyfriends would be all kinds of wrong. Seeing Royce will have to wait. I know I need to end things with Parker now before I get in too deep. If I am going to really give Royce a fair chance, there is no time like the present to end things with Parker. Not that there is really anything for us to end. 
    He opens the passenger door for me and I reluctantly get in.
    “Your date doesn’t keep good company.”
    “My date

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