Dirty Deeds (Paranormal Erotic Romance)

Read Online Dirty Deeds (Paranormal Erotic Romance) by Eliza Gayle - Free Book Online

Book: Dirty Deeds (Paranormal Erotic Romance) by Eliza Gayle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Gayle
for years. Trying to stop him from hurting his own kind as well as humans.”
    “But you're a demon. Since when do demons help humans?”
    Drake shook his head. “It's not quite that simple, babe. Just because we're demons doesn't mean we have free license to do whatever we want. There are still rules to follow and a balance to be maintained. It's the age-old story of balance between good and evil. Too much of one or the other and everything goes to shit.”
    She shook her head, disbelieving. “And what exactly does this have to do with me?”
    “Hold on, I'm getting there. You really are so impatient—something I'll have to break you of—but considering what you've been through, I'll give you a pass on it this time.” He handed her the cloth. “Because of who I am, I was tasked with the responsibility of maintaining that balance I mentioned.”
    She snickered. “You're like a demon cop?”
    “Not exactly how I would put it, but for a newbie like yourself, and for lack of a better description at the moment, that's probably the easiest way to explain it. Difference is my job is nothing like a human cop's. I serve as cop, judge, jury, and executioner. I'm not a nice guy, Melody.”
    “I don't think I'm really understanding where you're going. Still not seeing where I fit into all of this.”
    “Patience, hon. If you let me finish, you'll get there.” He roughly rubbed his hands across his thighs, distracting himself from the need to grab her and pull her into his arms. He could bury his head into her neck, lick all of that sweet skin, sink into her hot sheath, and forget about everything else. If only. “I've been doing this job for a while now, like a few centuries, until your boss outed me.”
    “Outed you?”
    “Yeah, I told you I'm only half demon. A half-breed.” Something crossed his features when he said that. An emotion she couldn't quite peg. “I was born and raised in Hell where no one but a select few knew who and what I am. Until Harold tortured my mother for the truth. Even in Hell, half-breeds of my kind are not welcome.”
    “Your kind?”
    “Yeah, my kind.” He swiped his hands through his hair. “My father is an angel.” She took a step back. “See what I mean? You're a brand new demon and even the mention of an angel scares you. It's an instinctive reaction.”
    “I'm not scared. Just surprised. I didn't expect demons and angels to be commingling.”
    He laughed. “Melody, you are a breath of fresh air here. I haven't smiled like this in a very long time.”
    “So, back to Harold and how I fit into your story.”
    “Yeah. Well, once Harold outed me, I had every level of demon coming after me on a regular basis. The only way to ensure my safety was to have my guards and me banished from Hell. It's how we ended up here permanently.”
    “You mean you didn't choose to live here?”
    “No, Melody. Born demons don't like spending more time here than they have to. It's the created demons who enjoy staying here, living with what they are used to, holding on to some piece of their humanity.”
    “Like me?” Biting her lip, she looked away.
    “Yes, like you.” He hated seeing the insecurity in her eyes. “We've been trying to get back to hell ever since. But there is only one way back.”
    “Harold has to be eliminated?” Her voice low, reserved. “But he created me… What happens to me if Harold is destroyed?”
    His eyes darkened and he turned away from her. She knew before he spoke that it would be bad. Very bad.
    “And therein lies my latest dilemma. Whatever happens to Harold happens to his demons as well.”
    “You and your friends want to go home. But in order to get there, you have to destroy Harold, which in turn will kill me.” He didn't need to answer. The truth of her statement was written all over his face. She sat heavily on the bed.
    “Harold doesn't have to be killed. I have a choice. Eternal punishment or death will suffice, and at this point, death seems

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